These are the project files for the Getting Started with R workshop.
Last updated: 2024-01-22
Workshop presentation: 2024-01-25
Jennifer Huck
Data Librarian
UVA Library
We rely on the Albemarle homes data prepared by UVA Library StatLab.
For this worskhop you need to download and install R, RStudio, and the tidyverse package.
You need the most current version of R and the most current version of the tidyverse package. It is less critical that RStudio is updated to the latest version. Installing and updating instructions for R are here.
This workshop will teach you the basics of getting started with R.
If you are following along outside of the workshop, download and install R, RStudio, and the tidyverse package. Open RStudio, and go to File...Open File... and open the getting_started_R.R script. You will be able to follow along from there.
Workshop project directory:
+-- data-raw
|---\-- albemarle_homes_2023.csv
+-- scripts
|---+-- getting_started_R.R
|---\-- getting_started_R_answers.R