SMG6 RNA-Seq Data Analysis

This repository contains the code and results of an analysis of a bulk RNA-Seq dataset originally published by Guerra et al. (on Nov 29, 2021), which can be downloaded from here.

The raw data was first processed using shell scripts, then analyzed using R. The details can be found in the "report_and_tutorial" folder. The folder contains a detailed tutorial named "tutorial.Rmd" on how to run the scripts to process the raw data and analyze the sequencing results. The tutorial file can be opened in RStudio.

Folder Structure

  • report_and_tutorial: This folder contains the tutorial file (tutorial.Rmd) that explains the analysis steps in detail and a project report (report.Rmd).
  • scripts: This folder contains the shell scripts used for processing the raw data.
  • outputs: This folder contains the multiqc outputs.
  • key_datasets: the important datasets generated from the analysis.
  • images: images used in the report and tutorial.

Conda environment

conda env create --name myenv --file angsd_project_environment.yml