2020-05-011 - Noisemaker!

IMPORTANT Announcements

  1. We are no longer do code reviews. We are also no longer forking + creating pull requests. This change is intended to streamline the process and make things more fun for everyone, while making it possible to create a portfolio-ready piece by the end of the afternoon.
  2. Voting has been simplified to a 10-point scale based on the deployed project.
  3. The schedule has changed. Please see below.

Start here:

  1. Read General Information
  2. Then, read today's Challenge
  3. Then, start coding!


Start End Description
12:00pm EST 12:30pm EST Orientation for newcomers and people who need a refresh. Conducted via Discord. (Mandatory for newcomers. Regulars can get a head start on the project!)
12:30pm EST 3:50pm EST Programming. Solo, heads-down.
3:50pm EST 4:00pm EST Voting.

Want to earn open source contributions?

Even junior developers can contribute to our upcoming platform!

Star our Github repo and read what it's all about! Then go visit the Issues Tab to see how to contribute!

Good luck!