
Source Code Repository for the Cognitive Search based Covid-19 Search App

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Covid-19 Search App - Code Repository


Source Code Repository for the Cognitive Search based Covid-19 Search App

If you simply want to show this code in a running instance, feel free to use https://covid19search.azurewebsites.net. Otherwise, you can follow the setup instructions below to recreate your own instance in your Azure subscription.

This repository contains:

  • AzureCognitiveSearchService: The components to set up the Cognitive Search service
  • Concatenator: An Azure Function to reformat names which is invoked as a custom skill
  • InvokeHealthEntityExtraction: An Azure Function to call the Text Analytics for Health container which is invoked as a custom skill


First, you will need an Azure account. If you don't already have one, you can start a free trial of Azure here.

Secondly, create a new Azure search service using the Azure portal at https://ms.portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Search. Select your Azure subscription. You may create a new resource group (you can name it something like "covid19-search-rg"). You will need a globally-unique URL as the name of your search service (try something like "covid19-search-" plus your name, organization, or numbers). Finally, choose a nearby location to host your search service - please remember the location that you chose, as your Cognitive Services instance will need to be based in the same location. Click "Review + create" to instantiate the service.

Next, once your search service is deployed in Azure, we will setup the search index, indexers, and skillset.