
Docker images for using torch-rnn (

Available tags

  • crisbal/torch-rnn:base
    • Based on ubuntu:14.04
    • Allows usage of torch-rnn in CPU mode
  • crisbal/torch-rnn:cuda6.5
  • crisbal/torch-rnn:cuda7.5

How to

More details here:

CPU Only

  1. Start bash in the container

    • docker run --rm -ti crisbal/torch-rnn:base bash
  2. Preprocess the sample data

    python scripts/ \
    --input_txt data/tiny-shakespeare.txt \
    --output_h5 data/tiny-shakespeare.h5 \
    --output_json data/tiny-shakespeare.json
  3. Train

    th train.lua \
    -input_h5 data/tiny-shakespeare.h5 \
    -input_json data/tiny-shakespeare.json \
    -gpu -1
  4. Sample

    • th sample.lua -checkpoint cv/checkpoint_10000.t7 -length 2000 -gpu -1


  1. Install nvidia-docker

  2. Start bash in the container

    • nvidia-docker run --rm -ti crisbal/torch-rnn:cuda7.5 bash
  3. Preprocess the sample data

    python scripts/ \
    --input_txt data/tiny-shakespeare.txt \
    --output_h5 data/tiny-shakespeare.h5 \
    --output_json data/tiny-shakespeare.json
  4. Train

    th train.lua \
    -input_h5 data/tiny-shakespeare.h5 \
    -input_json data/tiny-shakespeare.json
  5. Sample

    • th sample.lua -checkpoint cv/checkpoint_10000.t7 -length 2000