
Get started building Semantic Kernel Plugins you can use for your own AI applications.

MIT LicenseMIT

Semantic Kernel Plugins

Plugins are at the heart of unlocking more potential with your Semantic Kernel applications. They allow you to connect to external data sources and give large language models tools to be able to interact with native functions and API services.

Want to test your plugins? ⚗️

If you want to try out your plugins and you do not have a ChatGPT plus subscription or are off the waitlist, you can test this directly for free using the Semantic Kernel!

See this tutorial doc or watch the video for how to get set up.

SK Plugins Hackathon #1 (7/18/23 - 7/25/23) 📢

What: Build a Semantic Kernel Plugin and compete for glory and prizes!

When: Submissions are open July 18, 2023 2 PM PST to July 25, 2023 5 PM PST.

Why: Microsoft is standardizing around the plugin architecture for all of its internal AI copilots and encourage developers to use them for their own applications. This hackathon serves to jumpstart a larger plugin ecosystem that is valuable to the broader community.

How: Follow the getting started guides for creating a plugin

Prizes 🚀 🎁

We'll have the following categories for judging:

  • Most useful for the enterprise
  • Most fun and creative
  • Community Favorite

Prizes will be announced throughout the week. Some include an exclusive interview feature on the Semantic Kernel DevBlog and a customized Semantic Kernel T-Shirt. Stay tuned for more!


To submit your plugin, please fill out this form! Once we pass the deadline, the team will begin reviewing. The community favorite will be voted on Discord.

Join the community

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.


Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the MIT license.