
This is an external staker for the Aion Unity Hybrid consensus

Primary LanguageJava

External Staker

This is a very simple external staker designed to be used with Aion's Unity Hybrid Consensus Protocol. The staker can be used to interact with a Unity-enabled node over RPC.

The staker is largely built on top of the RPC functionality provided by the Node Test Harness.

Launching the staker

The staker can be used directly from the terminal by launching

java -jar external_staker.jar <args>

The staker takes the following arguments when launched:

  1. (required) the 32-bit private key of a rich Aion account without 0x.

e.g. "cc76648ce8798bc18130bc9d637995e5c42a922ebeab78795fac58081b9cf9d4"

  1. (optional) the address where the Staking Registry contract is deployed. If this argument isn't provided, OR if the value provided is 0, the staker will deploy the contract itself. Note that this might not be the latest version of the Staking Contract.

  2. (optional)) the IP address of a Unity-enabled node accepting RPC requests. If this argument isn't provided, is used as default.

  3. (optional)) the port on which this node is accepting RPC requests. If this argument isn't provided, 8545 is used as default.

Using the staker

The staker runs an endless loop reading commands from standard input. It takes the following arguments:

  1. createParticipant: This creates a new Participant, which is an account that can be registered with the Staking Registry. This command also funds the account from the rich account provided in step 1 of the launch process.

The staker assigns an ID to the participant, which is printed to standard output.

  1. register <participantId>: This registers the given participantId as a staker by calling the register() method in the Staking Registry contract.

  2. vote <senderId> <recipientId> <amount>: This transfers amount from senderId's as stake for recipientId by calling the vote() method in the Staking Registry contract.

  3. unvote <senderId> <recipientId> <amount>: This unvotes amount from recipientId's stake, returning the balance to senderId by calling the unvote() method in the Staking Registry contract.

  4. getVote <participantId>: This returns the current total stake of participantId by calling the getVote() method in the Staking Registry contract.

  5. exit: Quits the program.