
VS Code plugin for connecting with the Ruby LSP

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Ruby LSP (VS Code extension)

Companion VS Code extension for the Ruby LSP gem.


Search for ruby-lsp in the extensions tab and click install. Please check the configuration section for further instructions.


The Ruby LSP has all its features enabled by default, but disabling specific features is supported by changing the following configuration (definition of all available values can be found in the package.json).

"rubyLsp.enabledFeatures": {
  "documentHighlights": true,
  "documentSymbols": true,
  "foldingRanges": true,
  "selectionRanges": true,
  "semanticHighlighting": true,
  "formatting": true,
  "diagnostics": true,
  "codeActions": true

To boot the server properly, the Ruby version manager must be configured, which defaults to using shadowenv. Check the package.json for currently supported managers.

The Ruby LSP uses the Ruby version manager to reactivate the required Ruby version and to select the correct gem and Bundler paths, which is necessary when switching between projects using different Ruby versions. Use the extension's rubyLsp.rubyVersionManager setting to control which version manager is used.

"rubyLsp.rubyVersionManager": "chruby" // The handle for the version manager (e.g.: chruby, shadowenv)

To make sure that the Ruby LSP can find the version manager scripts, make sure that they are loaded in the shell's configuration script (e.g.: ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc) and that the SHELL environment variable is set and pointing to the default shell.


Available commands are listed below and can always be found in the Ruby LSP prefix.

Command Description
Ruby LSP: Start Start the Ruby LSP server
Ruby LSP: Restart Restart the Ruby LSP server
Ruby LSP: Stop Stop the Ruby LSP server


This extension provides convenience snippets for Ruby. Find the full list here.


On its own, the Ruby LSP does not collect any telemetry by default, but it does support hooking up to a private metrics service if desired.

In order to receive metrics requests, a private plugin must export the ruby-lsp.getPrivateTelemetryApi command, which should return an object that implements the TelemetryApi interface defined here.

Fields included by default are defined in TelemetryEvent here. The exported API object can add any other data of interest and publish it to a private service.

For example,

// Create the API class in a private plugin
class MyApi implements TemeletryApi {
  sendEvent(event: TelemetryEvent): Promise<void> {
    // Add timestamp to collected metrics
    const payload = {
      timestamp: Date.now(),

    // Send metrics to a private service
    myFavouriteHttpClient.post("private-metrics-url", payload);

// Register the command to return an object of the API
  () => new MyApi()


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Shopify/vscode-ruby-lsp. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


Interactive debugging works for both running the extension or tests. In the debug panel, select whether to run the extension in development mode or run tests, set up some breakpoints and start with F5.


This extension is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.