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Connecting your own custom bot

Simple Intents

If you are trying to teach masterbot a new simple intent with a static reply Open up Models/IntentDirectory.cs and edit the master_actions attribute. Set the key as the string representation of the new Intent, and the value as the key as the static reply.


public static Dictionary<string, string> master_actions = new Dictionary<string, string>()
            { "RedirectTransportation", "Sounds like you have commute questions" },
            { "RedirectLodging", "Sounds like you have lodging questions" },
            { "WhatIsLeap", "Sounds like you have questions regarding what LEAP is" },
            { "WhereIsLeap", "Leap is located in Microsoft Building 86." },
            { "None", "I'm not sure if I understood you properly." },
            { "FriendlyUser", "Hello! I am Relo. A bot here to help you with all general questions. Ask a question!" },

Complex Bot

If you are building a new bot (New Luis.AI bot), you will need to create a new Bot under the models/ directory. From there, you will need to create something like this:

public class LodgingBot : LuisParser
        public LodgingBot(Activity activity, string api_endpoint = "") : base(activity, api_endpoint) { }
        public override string Reply
            get { return this.GetReply(); }

        private string GetReply()
            // This will return the Intent that luis Determines.
            return this.Intent;

Customize the class to your liking, then in Controllers/BotController.cs add a method to construct and set the reply attribute.

For example:

    private void handle_RedirectLodging()
            LodgingBot lobot = new LodgingBot(this.userinput);
            this.reply = lobot.Reply;

Then invoke it in the constructor function like so:

if (masterbot.Intent == RedirectLodging)

You can then access the BotController.Reply property (note the capital R) from anywhere.

Development Setup

When loading the app, make sure to set ReloChatBot as the StartUp Project. image not showing?

Relobot Details:

Tasks: Figure out what the User wants. Intents:

  • RedirectTransportation
  • RedirectLodging
  • WhatIsLeap
  • WhereIsLeap