Assignment 2: Make a reverse-engineered Snap Lens

Here are the requirements:

  1. VARIABLES: Activate at least one change in p5.js (display an image,run an animation,change the screen in some way, etc.) based on a poseNet keypoint position in ml5 (this is an object with a x and y property).
  2. EVENTS: Activate at least one change in p5.js based on an event in ml5 (if you raise your hand, or if you make a certain gesture, etc.).

Here are the templates in this repo that you can use!

  1. Nose Brush using PoseNet
  2. Body Lens using PoseNet
  3. Face Lens using Face API
  4. Face Lens using Face Mesh

Here are templates and resources you can find elsewhere.

  1. Here are all of ml5 templates for p5!
  2. Here are some more templates from a Interactive and Computation class