
Splash Pages for https://gocardless.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Splash Pages for gocardless.com

See How we built the new gocardless.com.

Install & run

  • Homebrew: ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  • Node.js: brew install node
  • Local node modules in $PATH: export PATH="node_modules/.bin:$PATH"
npm install
npm start


npm test

This will run ESLint, Unit Tests and E2E tests.

Note: the first time you run the tests, they will be slow. This is because of the transpilation that Babel has to do. Every subsequent run should be much quicker, as Babel caches aggresively.

What is JSX?

JSX looks a bit like HTML but it's just a shorthand for writing JavaScript functions that turn into HTML.

Syntax highlighting jsx
Transform process

To see HTML turn into JSX, write some HTML and see it turn into JSX: https://facebook.github.io/react/html-jsx.html

To see JSX turn into JavaScript, write some JSX in the render function: https://facebook.github.io/react/jsx-compiler.html

Learn more




Import paths are relative from the file you are in and exclude .js.

For example, importing the Message component from app/pages/home/home.js:

import Message from '../../components/message/message';

Routes are defined in app/router/routes.js.

To add a new page import the page component and add it to the config:

import Home from '../pages/home/home';

var config = Immutable.fromJS([
  [Home, { name: 'home' }, {
    'en-GB': {
      path: '/'
Path prefixed with locale

All paths are prefixed with a lowercase locale except for the default locale (en-GB).

Route options

Routes are constructed with an array: [PageComponent, { route options }, { .. locale options .. }, [optional nested routes]]

Import the PageComponent from pages, this is the component that gets rendered when the page is visited.

Route options require name, use when linking to pages `.

To add a page for en-GB, en-IE, and fr-FR:

import Pricing from '../pages/pricing/pricing';

var config = Immutable.fromJS([
  [Pricing, { name: 'pricing' }, {
    'en-GB': {
      path: '/pricing'
    'en-IE': {
      path: '/pricing'
    'fr-FR': {
      path: '/tarifs'

Resulting paths for Pricing: /pricing, /en-ie/pricing, /fr-fr/tarifs.

The Pricing component is then responsible for rendering the right content for each locale (see Translation).


Links can be generated given the page name value from the route config with the Link component.

import Link from '../../components/link/link';

export default class Home extends React.Component {
  displayName = 'Home'

  render() {
    return (
      {/* Turns into a <a href="/">Home</a> */}
      <Link to='home'>Home</Link>



String translations are defined in app/messages/{language-[region]}.js.

If a string is defined in a language only file (en.js) it will be available for all regions with that lang (e.g. (en-GB.js).

Re-defining the string in the region specific file will override the language only string.

For example, given the following strucutre in en.js, and visiting a url for any english language locale:

export default {
  features: {
    explainer: 'Simple recurring payments',

Render the string using the Message component:

import Message from '../../components/message/message';

export default class Home extends React.Component {
  displayName = 'Home'

  render() {
    return (
      {/* Renders `Simple recurring payments` */}
      <Message pointer='features.explainer' />

Define an override for Ireland in en-IE.js:

export default {
  features: {
    explainer: 'Recurring payments',
Blocks of HTML

When you need to swap out larget pieces of content you can use the Translation component.

import Translation from '../../components/translation/translation';

export default class Home extends React.Component {
  displayName = 'Home'

  render() {
    return (
      <Translation locales='en'>
        Shown when visiting urls with `en-GB` locale or any `en-` locale (e.g. /pricing)

      <Translation locales='fr'>
        Shown when visiting urls with `fr-FR` or `fr-BE` locale (e.g. /fr-fr/tarifs or /fr-be/tarifs)

SVG icons

SVGs are generated React Components, use them like any other component.

import CheckmarkIcon from '../../icons/svg/checkmark';

class Header extends React.Component {
  displayName = 'Header'

  render() {
    return (
      <CheckmarkIcon className='u-fill-dark-green u-margin-Ls u-pull-end u-inline' alt='✓' />
Generating SVG components

If you're adding or editing an svg, edit the file in public/ and run the generate script.



CSS: app/css/ Images: public/images/ Static app: app/public/


  1. npm start fails Try running npm install. Packages might be out of date.

  2. Changes are not happening There might be an exception in your code, check the running terminal or your chrome inspector console.

  3. Prospect forms are broken You need to run the gocardless app at: gocardless.dev:3000

Adding a job ad (same for any page)

  1. Add content (e.g. app/pages/jobs/positions/hiring-assistant.js)

  2. Import and add file to routes (app/router/routes.js)

import HiringAssistant from '../pages/about/jobs/positions/hiring-assistant';

[HiringAssistant, { name: 'jobs_hiring_assistant', category: 'jobs.operations' }, {
    en: {
      path: '/about/jobs/hiring-assistant',
  1. Add title/description to messages (e.g. app/messages/en.js)
jobs_hiring_assistant: {
  title: 'Hiring Assistant',
  description: '',

Troublshooting errors

Could not find Message pointer:

Example error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: Could not find Message pointer: home.test

For the current locale/lang add home.test to messages, e.g. app/messages/en.js:

home: {
  test: 'Test',

Invariant Violation

Example error:

Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: Cannot find a route named "pro-features"

A link name can't be found. Find the <Link to="pro-features" ...> and check it exists in app/router/routes.js.