
Mercedes Benz Developer API Adapter

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Mercedes Benz Developer API (MBDev)


MBDev builds a Java abstraction layer on top of the Mercedes Benz Developer APIs which are available since mid-end of 2017. Due to the latest enhancements of 2018 it now seems to be reasonable to use the APIs; or at least one of them. The most beneficial domain for vehicle addicted developers is the Connected Vehicle API which is currently in an experimental state but already provides some insights on how the upcoming API might behave.

This library can be used in Java front-ends and in clients (target version 1.8) to access the API. It is based on the feign client library which makes it super easy to enhance the API interfaces. Thus the library is super flexible regarding REST API changes which will definitely come.

Notice: the focus is currently clearly laid on the mechanisms to enable a general API usage super easy, not the diversity of interfaces. The only API barely supported is the Connected Vehicle API. Feel free to enhance the interfaces or add new packages as a contributor. If you need custom MBDev API adapter implementations check the API Common Module.


All of the APIs are secured using OAuth 2.0 for which quite a lot of detailed information is described here. The currently used authentication mechanisms need a lot of web browser involvement to authenticate applications for certain user accounts which are build using the developer portal. If you want to access the library using a spring web application check the Spring Projects / Spring Security OAuth module.

An easy to use implementation for the login / authorization sequence is available in the API Authentication Module. The related pitfalls are described within the corresponding README.md. Enjoy with care. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


To see a proper usage of the library please check the corresponding submodule(s) and the MBDev Samples.


Feel free to enhance or improve the modules and create pull-requests. Please introduce / modify file headers where significant changes were made.


MBDev is Open Source software released under the MIT license.