
Check JS repos for sanity.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Sane Code

Run npx sane-code in your repo to check for things like

  • JSON Schema validity of your package.json, .eslintrc.js etc
  • unnecessary defaults in config files like tsconfig.json or package.json
  • subjective code smells like @types/* in dependencies instead of devDependencies
  • whether or not linting is set up
  • if there's only one type of lockfile present
  • whether or not the project depends on deprecated packages
  • best practices like no hard-pins of dependencies, test script set up
  • recommendations like enabling esModuleInterop in tsconfig.json etc
  • unused TypeScript exports
  • unused TypeScript symbols

Feel free to open issues if you have suggestions for more checks ☺️


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Add some checks
  3. Run npm run start to run the checks on the sane-code repo itself