
A companion app to the board game Bardsung

Primary LanguageJava

Bardsung companion

When we started playing the board game Bardsung, we quickly failed due to the lack of icon overview.

That's why this Spring Boot web app was developed. It aims to give a complete overview of the various icons in the game, if possible.

In the course of time other requirements were added: e.g. a campaign tracker.

Unfortunately we didn't like the game and so the further development of the app will probably not happen.

But maybe someone of you can profit a little from my work.

For copyright reasons the repository does not contain any graphics. The application downloads - if possible - the graphics on startup from the official website (technically more precise: the application only contains links, the browser then loads the images).

Unfortunately, not all graphics can be found online, so I had to scan some. I am not allowed to provide these in the repository either for copyright reasons. You still have to add the following images in the src/main/resources/static/bs-images folder:

  • Bane.png
  • BANNER.png
  • bardsung.png
  • Bleed.png
  • Blessing.png
  • Burn.png
  • Delayed.png
  • door.png
  • DRIFT.png
  • Engagement.png
  • Fatigue.png
  • FIREPIT.png
  • fixedEntrances.png
  • FORGE.png
  • Frostbite.png
  • GAS.png
  • OLD WELL.png
  • Pinned.png
  • PIPE.png
  • Poison.png
  • RUBBLE.png
  • Silence.png
  • Stunned.png
  • Sundered.png
  • WATER.png
  • Weaken.png

As already mentioned, this is a Spring-Boot application. How to start it you can read in the Spring Boot documentation.