DiceThrone Progress Watcher

DiceThrone © is one of my favorite board games. And since there are so many cool characters, it's easy to lose track of who has played which character. Questions like "Have I played this one before?" are not uncommon, especially if you only meet irregularly.

Since I log every game on Boardgamegeek and also note who has played which character, I just had to write a program that reads and evaluates this data.

ℹ️ The application is deliberately designed to generate static content.

Screenshot of the app


You would need to include the name of the character in the "Team/Color" field in your logged games. And that per teammate!

The mapping of the names can be found in the application.properties.

Furthermore, this repro does not include graphics (copyright). You can of course use your own images, but the UI is based on the images from DiceThrone Hero Slider (179x323 Pixel). But you have to download them yourself.

The UI expects the images in the same folder under the same name (all uppercase) as defined in the enum. File format: .png


  • MOON_ELF.png
  • and so on ...

Technical requirements

To build the application you need a JDK >= 17.

At runtime the application needs some information which can be set as described in the Spring documentation:

Property name Description
bgg.api.usernames comma separated list of Boardgamegeek usernames whose game statistics should be included.
output.html.folder Folder in which the HTML should be written
spring.datasource.url Path and file name for the H2 database. Without specification the database is not persistent and it is not possible to run the application in a delta mode.

Since I don't have a proper alerting installed on my server, I've added the Telegram Logback Appender. If you want to use them, you have to provide the following properties:

Property name Description
log.telegram.bottoken Telegram Bot Token
log.telegram.chatid Telegram Chat ID where the messages should be sent to

For details have a look at the Telegram Logback Appender.

All further info to start the application could be found in the Spring Documentation.

😱 No Tests, Dirty code, not following best practices and so on

I am aware that this software is not a masterpiece (in the sense of software craftsmanship).

But it doesn't have to be (yet). If you look at it realistically, I am probably the only user of this software (clearly, because it is also tailored to my needs). And even I will use the software only temporarily.

So why should I invest time in quality? Okay, that sounds like an excuse.... but look at the code: It's really manageable. And even if it is no longer maintainable... who cares? 💔

That's why I rather use the time for my next project ... 😏

But that's not to say that anyone can steer anything to it. On the contrary! Besides, I'm always interested in how to solve things better (even if I know that some things here are quick and especially dirty). So feel free to contact me. 📧