
A Power App to display repositories from Github and allow direct deployment to Power Platform environments

MIT LicenseMIT


A Power App to display repositories from Github and allow direct deployment to Power Platform environments

I posted a short demo video on linkedin here : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jensschroder_powerplatform-citizendeveloper-prodeveloper-activity-6721033102728212480-8oHK


The solution consist of two components (both are included in the solution file)

  1. Github Power Apps Gallery (Canvas App)
  2. Github Custom (Custom Connector)


Several ways to install in your own environment

  1. Clone, Download the repository and pack a solution based on the source code and import it into your environment
  2. Download the release https://github.com/jenschristianschroder/Github-Power-Apps-Gallery/files/5363134/GithubPowerAppsGallery_1_0_0_0.zip and import into your environment


There are a couple of things you need to setup for the solution to work

  1. Azure AD App Registration for OAuth authentication in the Custom Connector. See this tutorial https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/developer/common-data-service/walkthrough-register-app-azure-active-directory
  2. If you don't have one already you need to create a Github organziation. See the github docs https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-server@2.21/admin/user-management/creating-organizations
  3. Create a repository in your organization and add a topic (app, template, component, control, connector) for the in-app filtering to work
  4. Add a workflow to the repository to build the solution deploy it. See this repository for a sample workflow https://github.com/jenschristianschroder/CPAL-Site-Inspection-Canvas-App