Jens de Waard MSc Thesis Project

Building the project


  • A recent version of Coq (probably 8.9 or higher)
  • GNU Make

Run make in the root directory of the project, which is the directory containing this README and the _CoqProject file. This will compile all the source files. It is then possible to step through the proofs using an IDE such as CoQIDE or ProofAssistant.

Source Files

This is a list of the various files in the project, and where they are in the thesis document.

Source Files Thesis Chapter Description
Language/* Chapter 3 Syntax of the interpreted language.
Types/* Chapter 3 Abstract versions of the concrete types.
Classes/* Chapter 4 The typeclasses used to decompose the interpreters.
Instances/* Chapter 4 Instances of those typeclasses.
GenericInterpreter.v Chapter 4 The layout of the generic interpreter.
Soundness.v Chapter 4 Proof that the generic interpreter is sound.