
Efficient random sampling for COBRA models



Efficient random sampling for constraint-based (COBRA) models. gapsplit samples both convex (LP) and non-convex (MILP) models by targeting unexplored regions of the solution space.

gapsplit is available for Matlab and Python.



Download the gapsplit repository and add the matlab directory to Matlab's path. gapsplit requires the COBRA Toolbox with a QP solver (or MIQP solver to sample MILP models).

Test your gapsplit installation with the test_gapsplit script. (Be sure to initialize the COBRA Toolbox first.)

>> initCobraToolbox
>> test_gapsplit
Calculating feasible ranges for variables. (0.45 seconds)
Targeting 1 primary and 1 secondary variables.
Sampling LP model with 10/10 unblocked variables (100.00%).

Samples   Coverage   MinGap   Median   MaxGap     Elapsed     Remaining   Infeasible
 10/100     77.47%   0.1879   0.2499   0.2502        0.04          0.37            0
 20/100     88.10%   0.0943   0.1250   0.1258        0.07          0.28            0
 30/100     89.45%   0.0624   0.1234   0.1241        0.10          0.24            0
 40/100     94.04%   0.0476   0.0626   0.0629        0.13          0.20            0
 50/100     94.38%   0.0463   0.0623   0.0627        0.16          0.16            0
 60/100     94.70%   0.0331   0.0607   0.0623        0.19          0.13            0
 70/100     95.77%   0.0312   0.0407   0.0612        0.23          0.10            0
 80/100     96.61%   0.0278   0.0319   0.0461        0.26          0.06            0
 90/100     96.72%   0.0238   0.0314   0.0455        0.29          0.03            0
100/100     97.03%   0.0236   0.0312   0.0313        0.32          0.00            0

Using gapsplit

gapsplit is a single function called gapsplit. For more information, see help gapsplit.

Sampling MILP models

gapsplit can sample non-convex models. The gapsplit function recognizes MILP models by the vartype field and uses the COBRA Toolbox MIQP solver.

To sample TIGER, pass the model to gapsplit with the 'tiger' option set to true. The TIGER model will be converted to a COBRA MILP model. TIGER needs to be installed for this conversion.


The gapsplit.py module is compatible with cobrapy. To test your installation, run the module as a script.

$ python3 gapsplit.py
Calculating feasible ranges using FVA.
Targeting 87/95 unblocked primary variables.
Targeting 4 secondary variables.

 Sample   Coverage   MinGap   Median   MaxGap     Elapsed     Remaining   Infeasible
 10/100     38.47%   0.2500   0.6096   0.9434        0.33          2.96            0
 20/100     59.19%   0.1292   0.3997   0.6743        0.62          2.50            0
 30/100     67.75%   0.1219   0.3227   0.5010        0.92          2.14            0
 40/100     72.82%   0.1112   0.2635   0.4019        1.20          1.80            0
 50/100     77.77%   0.1022   0.2369   0.3352        1.50          1.50            0
 60/100     80.07%   0.0625   0.1948   0.2906        1.80          1.20            0
 70/100     80.79%   0.0625   0.1874   0.2505        2.09          0.90            0
 80/100     83.56%   0.0550   0.1677   0.2420        2.39          0.60            0
 90/100     84.79%   0.0540   0.1574   0.2094        2.68          0.30            0
100/100     85.59%   0.0540   0.1498   0.1948        2.96          0.00            0

gapsplit can use the Gurobi interface directly to significantly reduce sampling times. Use the gurobi_direct=True parameter to enable this feature.

Using gapsplit without the COBRA Toolbox

A self-contained version of gapsplit can sample an LP or MPS file directly. The package can be installed with pip install gapsplit.


Keaty TC, Jensen PA. gapsplit: Efficient random sampling for non-convex constraint-based models. bioRxiv.