React Workshop - Onboarding Developers at SDP

Preface: The upstream URL of this repository is:

This React Workshop has been used to get everyone of our team at SDP up and running with our new tech-stack.



Base Requirements that need to be installed, before you can continue.

Start Minikube

Start minikube by typing

minikube start

List all active kubernetes nodes

kubectl get nodes

There should ne none, because we haven't launched any node yet.

Setup Environment Variables for Docker Image Compilation

For Linux/Mac it is this one here

eval $(minikube docker-env)

Using helm

List all Docker processes

docker ps

Change the current working directory to content-repository

cd content-repository

Init helm

helm init

Install helm chart found in the subdirectory chart and name it backend-database

helm install --name backend-database ./chart

List all pods

kubectl get pods

The output should be looking somehow like this

NAME                                           READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
backend-database-postgresql-77455fbb6f-qn7qr   0/1       ContainerCreating   0          4s

As you can see, the STATUS indicates that the started pod is there, but still not ready now.

You can keep checking the pod to become ready

while(kubectl get pods | grep "backend-databae" | awk '{print $2}' | grep "0/1");
        do echo "Pod not ready.."; sleep 5;
        echo "Pod is ready"

Once the pod has become ready, change the current working directory to /content-repository/api

cd ../api

Build the Docker Image locally

We have a Dockerfile which we will use to build our Docker image (locally).

If you're curious, you can peek into the file's contents

cat ./Dockerfile

npm run scripts

In this specific example, we have the build command (to build the Docker Image) included in the package.json, so we can run it via npm run.

If you happen to know Grunt, Gulp, Bower, or Gradle you might find npm run familiar.

You can run all commands that are part of the scripts section in the package.json via npm run [NAME]

It's just a very convenient way of storing scripts that you need often, or scripts that you want to have out of the developers way, because they don't need to know exactly what is going on behind the scene.

Let's peek into what options we have in this example

cat ./package.json | jq .scripts

The output should look like this

  "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
  "build": "docker build --no-cache -t workshop/graphqlapi .",
  "showImages": "docker images",
  "start": "node_modules/.bin/postgraphile -o -c postgresql://postgres@backend-database-postgresql/postgres -s workshop -w"

That build command will come in very handy, but let's intall all dependencies first

npm install

Hint: If you omit the -g or --global flag, the dependencies will be installed local to the current directory (inside the node_modules) folder, which is exactly what we want here.

The postgraphile module should have been installed, because it's listed as the only dependency.

cat package.json | jq .dependencies
  "postgraphile": "^4.0.0-alpha2.28"

Now let's get back to the handy build command. (let's just assume that @jensneuse put it there to make our life a whole lot easier)

Let's use it to create a Docker Image

npm run build

Once the build succeeded, let's install the Helm chart for this container and assign the api name to it

helm install --name api ./chart

Let's check if the pod is ready

kubectl get pods | grep "api-graphqlapi"


Jens recorded a screencast showing each step of the workshop here