#2012-05-08 00:10 by Marco
2 working domains, 1 for .cn, 1 for .hk
Only need to config these 2 domains in application/config/constants.php
Please configure the server to support 2 virtual hosts with the corresponding domain.

#2012-02-05 17:48 by Marco
Added a language switcher above the navigation bar, and a image slider library.
  Nivo Slider usage:

#2012-02-04 22:37 by Marco
Finished internationalization(i18n) and form validation on server side.
Create a file called {NAME}_lang.php in application/languages/{LANG}, and load the lang file in your controller by $this->lang->load('{NAME}'), then you may use lang('key') to get the text in specific language. For more details, read the reference below.
	form validation reference:
	i18n reference:

#2012-01-23 11:34 by Jenson
Please confirm the system structure before moving on
System Structure
			/index.php	- front page
					/product.php // if there is acustomized product page
					/*.*  	- men's files.					
					/product.php // if there is acustomized product page
					/*.*  	- women's files
					/*.*	- baby's files
					/product.php // if there is acustomized product page					
					/*.*	- baby's files					
				/men.php	- Model for men
				/women.php	- Model for women
				/baby.php	- Model for baby

#2012-01-23 00:21 by Marco
Upload the images I already have.

#2012-01-19 16:18 by Marco
Added another template, for now it is randomized, either one will show up while accessing /categories/*ID*.

#2012-01-13 02:13 by Marco
Updated some minor stuff of the category listing, slow job.

#2012-01-12 20:00
Added categories controls, can be accessed by /categories/*ID*.
Created two tables for testing, but hasn't upload the query.
Modified my_path_helper.php, so that the path really work.