
Seeking information like heteroplasmy, structure variants, etc. on Mitochondrial genome from next generation sequencing

Primary LanguagePerl

Table of Content

MitoSeek is an open-source software tool to reliably and easily extract mitochondrial genome information from exome sequencing data. MitoSeek evaluates mitochondrial genome alignment quality, estimates relative mitochondrial copy numbers, and detects heteroplasmy, somatic mutation, and structural variance of the mitochondrial genome.

Example code for running MitoSeek with given toy dataset could be

perl mitoSeek.pl -i Examples/brca_tumor.bam -j Examples/brca_normal.bam -t 4 -sb 0 -hp 1 -d 5 -str 4 -sp 1 -sa 0

This example report could be accessed at Here

Details for each parameters are here

Usage: perl mitoSeek.pl -i inbam 
-i [bam]                Input bam file
-j [bam]                Input bam file2, if this file is provided, it will conduct somatic mutation mining, and it will be 
                        taken as normal tissue.
-t [input type]         Type of the bam files, the possible choices are 1=exome, 2=whole genome, 3= RNAseq, 4 = mitochondria only,default = 1
-d [int]                The minimum recommended depth requirement for detecting heteroplasmy. Lower depth will severely damage the 
                        confidence of heteroplasmy calling, default=50
-ch                     Produce circos plot input files and circos plot figure for heteroplasmic mutation,
                        (-noch to turn off and -ch to turn on), default = on
-hp [int]               Heteroplasmy threshold using [int] percent alternative allele observed, default = 5
-ha [int]               Heteroplasmy threshold using [int] allele observed, default = 0
-alpha [float]          Shape1 parameter of Beta prior distribution, default is 3.87 which is estimated from 600 BRCA samples
-beta  [float]          Shape2 parameter of Beta prior distribution, default is 174.28, which is estimated from 600 BRCA samples
-A                      If - A is used, the total read count is the total allele count of all allele observed. 
                        Otherwise, the total read count is the sum of major and minor allele counts. Default = off
-mmq [int]              Minimum map quality, default =20
-mbq [int]              Minimum base quality, default =20
-sb [int]               Remove all sites with strand bias score in the top [int] %, default = 10 
-cn                     Estimate relative copy number of input bam(s), does not work with mitochondria targeted sequencing bam files,
                        (-noch to turn off and -ch to turn on) default = off.
-sp [int]               Somatic mutation detection threshold,int = percent of alternative allele observed in tumor, default int=5
-sa [int]               Somatic mutation detection threshold,int = number of alternative allele observed in tumor, default int=3
-cs                     Produce circos plot input files and circos plot figure for somatic mutation, 
                        (-nocs to turn off and -cs to turn on), default = off
-r [ref]                The reference used in the bam file, the possible choices are hg19 and rCRS, default=hg19
-R [ref]                The reference used in the output files, the possible choices are hg19 and rCRS, default=hg19
-str [int]              Structure variants cutoff for those discordant mapping mates, 
                        int = number of spanning reads supporting this structure variants, default = 2
-strf [int]             Structure variants cutoff for those large deletions,
                        int = template size in bp, default=500
-QC                     Produce QC result, (--noQC to turn off and -QC to turn on), default=on
-samtools[samtools]     Tell where is the samtools program, default is your mitoseek directory/Resources/samtools/samtools
-bwa [bwa]              Tell where is the bwa program, default value is 'bwa' which is in your $PATH
-bwaindex [bwaindex]    Tell where is the bwa index of non-mitochondrial human genome, no default value
-advance                Will get mitochondrial reads in an advanced way, generally followed by 1) Initially extract mitochrodrial reads from 
                        a bam file, then 2) remove those could be remapped to non-mitochondrial human genome by bwa. Advanced extraction needs 
                        -bwaindex option. Default extraction without removing step.

Fix the bug when parsing pileup file with depth=0

Version 1.2 has been improved by reading options from a configure file instead of reading from command line

Changes are here:

  • Reading options from a configure instead of reading from commmand line. The new program is called mitoSeek_new.pl, an example of configure file is called 'para.txt'. Meanwhile, the original program which reads options from command line is also kept, called mitoSeek.pl.

Version 1.1 has been improved according to reviewers' advise.

Changes are here:

  • Add option -advance to improve mitochondrial reads extraction, which is done by 1) Initially extract mitochrodrial reads from a bam file, then 2) remove those could be remapped to non-mitochondrial human genome by bwa. The version v1.0 only implementes the step 1
  • Add Statistical framework for heteroplasmy detection, which are fisher test and empirical bayesian.
  • Add option -samtools for people who would like to use their specified samtools
  • Add options -bwa and --bwaindex which are needed if use -advance option
  • In the heteroplasmy output, it will contain columns of fisher.pvalue, fisher.adjust.pvalue,fisher.phred.score,empirical.probability, and empirical.phred.score
  • Thanks to Peter's code for beta calculation in perl at http://home.online.no/~pjacklam/perl/modules/

Initial version for the paper

We have implemented statistical framework in addition to the empirical filters. We added a function to perform a one-tail Fisher’s exact test to determine if the rate of heteroplasmy is significantly greater than user defined cutoff (-hp). Moreover, MitoSeek also provides Phred quality scores based on the p-value.

### Fisher's exact test
           major   minor    
observed    n11     n12 | n1p 
expected    n21     n22 | n2p   
            np1     np2   npp
where n11 and n12 are observed number of major and minor alleles,
n21 = (n11+n12)*(1-hp/100) in which hp is defined by -hp
n22 = (n11+n12)*hp/100  in which hp is defined by -hp

The phred score of heteroplasmy for Fisher's exact test calucated as

phred.score.fisher = - log10 * log10(fisher.pvalue)
### Empirical Bayesian for Binomial proportion with conjugate Beta prior
                                    _ ---         
                                   /  100         
likelihood.of.heteroplasmy =  1 -  |      f(x) dx 
                                  _/  0           


                        1             a  + n12 - 1         b  + n11 - 1  
f(x) =  -------------------------- * x            * (1 - x)
        beta(n12 +  a ,n11 +  b )                             

a and b are share parameters of Beta prior distribution, which are estimated from 600 BRCA samples.

The phred score of heteroplasmy for Empirical Bayesian approach is calculated as

phred.score.empirical = - log10 * log10(1 - likelihood.of.heteroplasmy)

MitoSeek runs on 32-bit or 64-bit GNU/Linux and request perl packages like GD::Graph::boxplot, etc. Here are the steps you need to do to install packages needed for the MitoSeek program.

Step1: Install perl packages required by circos

MitoSeek utilizes circos to plot heteroplasmy and somatic mutation, thus, perl packages required by circos needed to been installed first.

#1) go to the circos package folder which is included as part of the MitoSeek 
cd Resources/circos-0.56/bin

#2) Check whether all the packages needed by circos plot are intalled on your PC,
#if this does not work, try 'chmod +x test.modules'

If all the packages are installed on your PC, it will look like this.

ok   Carp
ok   Config::General
ok   Cwd
ok   Data::Dumper
ok   Digest::MD5
ok   File::Basename
ok   File::Spec::Functions
ok   File::Temp
ok   FindBin
ok   GD
ok   GD::Image
ok   GD::Polyline
ok   Getopt::Long
ok   IO::File
ok   List::MoreUtils
ok   List::Util
ok   Math::Bezier
ok   Math::BigFloat
ok   Math::Round
ok   Math::VecStat
ok   Memoize
ok   Params::Validate
ok   Pod::Usage
ok   POSIX
ok   Readonly
ok   Regexp::Common
ok   Set::IntSpan
ok   Storable
ok   Sys::Hostname
ok   Text::Format
ok   Time::HiRes

Otherwise, it may look like this.

ok   Carp
fail Config::General is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
ok   Cwd
ok   Data::Dumper
ok   Digest::MD5
ok   File::Basename
ok   File::Spec::Functions
ok   File::Temp
ok   FindBin
fail GD is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
fail GD::Image is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
fail GD::Polyline is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
ok   Getopt::Long
ok   IO::File
fail List::MoreUtils is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
ok   List::Util
fail Math::Bezier is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
ok   Math::BigFloat
fail Math::Round is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
fail Math::VecStat is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
ok   Memoize
ok   Params::Validate
ok   Pod::Usage
ok   POSIX
fail Readonly is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
fail Regexp::Common is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
fail Set::IntSpan is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
ok   Storable
ok   Sys::Hostname
fail Text::Format is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
fail Time::HiRes is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)

If this happens, try to install the missing packages by cpan (If you you don't have root previlege, please look at here to set up your own perl environment).

#run in root if the packages will be installed in the system path
#like /usr/local/lib64/perl5
./test.modules |grep fail|cut -f2 -d" "|xargs -I {} cpan {}

In addition to the perl packages required by circos, there are several other packages needed to be installed on your PC.

#go the the folder where your MitoSeek is
#And test whether all the required modules have been installed.

The successful output would look like this

ok   Convert
ok   Cwd
ok   File::Basename
ok   File::Path
ok   FindBin
ok   GD
ok   GD::Graph::bars3d
ok   GD::Graph::boxplot
ok   GD::Graph::lines
ok   GD::Text::Wrap
ok   Getopt::Long
ok   List::Util
ok   Mitoanno
ok   Statistics::KernelEstimation

Otherwise, it may look like this

ok   Convert
ok   Cwd
ok   File::Basename
ok   File::Path
ok   FindBin
fail GD is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
fail GD::Graph::bars3d is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
fail GD::Graph::boxplot is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
fail GD::Graph::lines is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
fail GD::Text::Wrap is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)
ok   Getopt::Long
ok   List::Util
ok   Mitoanno
fail Statistics::KernelEstimation is not usable (it or a sub-module is missing)

To install the missing packages is the same way as we did in [step1[)#step1) for those missing packages requried by circos.

#run in root if the packages will be installed in the system path
#like /usr/local/lib64/perl5
./test.modules |grep fail|cut -f2 -d" "|xargs -I {} cpan {}

We include samtools as part of MitoSeek, however, you need to build it before you use MitoSeek.

#go the samtools folder
cd Resources/samtools
tar jxvf samtools-0.1.18.tar.bz2
cd samtools-0.1.18
#build samtools and move the samtools program into its parental folder
mv samtools ../
#remove the samtools source code if you like
cd ../
rm -rf samtools-0.1.18

Or you can change the mitoSeek.pl script and tell the program where is the samtools on your PC. Here is the line you need to modify.

my $samtools = "$FindBin::Bin/Resources/samtools/samtools";  #Where is the samtools file

Ususally you don't have root privilege and it will prevent you when you try to install perl packages by default. Here is a brief way to install perl packages without root previlege, details could be found at http://www.perl.com/pub/2002/04/10/mod_perl.html or searching by google.

Step 1, Setting your PERL5LIB environment variable

#If your own perl libary top folder is ~/perllib
#Then add the following lines in your ~/.bashrc
#because the subfolders could be different due to different versions of perl
#and linux, so to save time by adding subfolders in the PERL5LIB, we use 'for'
#to add all the subfolders. 
if [ -d ~/perllib ]; then
  for i in `find ~/perllib -type d`
export $PERL5LIB

Step 2, Configure your cpan

#type cpan into cpan environment


#In cpan environment
o conf makepl_arg PREFIX="~/perllib"
o conf commit

#exit the cpan environment

Mitochondrial information we used in MitoSeek includes

result folder: yourmitoseek/Resources/genome


  • hg19.fasta
  • rCRS.fasta


#1.1) rCRS assembly (rCRS.fasta)

#1.2) hg19 assembly (hg19.fasta)
### Mitochondrial genome annotation Annotation is in **genbank** format, the class/package **Mitoanno** (Mitoanno.pm) will take the .gb file and annotate the given position on mitochondria.

result folder: yourmitoseek/Resources/


  • hg19_annotation.gb
  • rCRS_annotation.gb


#1.1) rCRS assembly (download as genbank format)

#1.2) hg19 assembly (downlaod as genbank format)

Known pathogenic mutations on mitochondria comes from OMIM and it will be used by class/package Mitoanno (Mitoanno.pm)

File Name: yourmitoseek/Resources/OMIMpathogenic.txt

Whole genome exon coordinates are used to estimate the relative mitochondrial copy numbers when the input is exon/RNA-Seq sequencing.

Here is the scripts we download and prepare the exon bed file

#Wkdir: yourmitseek/Resources/genome
#refGene annotation file (refGene.txt)
#description of refGene is here at 
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/refGene.txt.gz
gunzip refGene.txt.gz
#get exon region on chromosome 1-22, and X,Y (with prefix chr or without)
perl -lane 'if($F[2]=~/chr\d+$|chrX|chrY/) {@start=split ",",$F[9]; @end=split ",",$F[10];  for($i=0;$i<$F[8];$i++) { print join "\t",$F[2],$start[$i],$end[$i],$F[12]."|".$F[1]}}' refGene.txt >refGeneExon_withChr.bed
perl -lane 'if($F[2]=~/chr\d+$|chrX|chrY/) {$F[2]=~s/chr//g;@start=split ",",$F[9]; @end=split ",",$F[10];  for($i=0;$i<$F[8];$i++) { print join "\t",$F[2],$start[$i],$end[$i],$F[12]."|".$F[1]}}' refGene.txt >refGeneExon_withoutChr.bed
#How to get the total bases from a bed file (getTotalBasesFromBed.R)
./getTotalBasesFromBed.R genome_withChr.bed