
GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

MultiLangApp (Preview)

The multi-language written picture-naming dataset app can be found here: https://jens-roeser.shinyapps.io/multilangapp/

This is still work in progress but does a sensible job already. The code will be released on a later point. Stay tuned.

This application will eventually allow to select items for picture naming experiments based on data published in Torrance et al. (2018). These data are written (keyboard-typed) picture-naming data recorded for 14 languages. The app will allow to explore a range of variables in data visualisation.


Torrance, M., Nottbusch, G., Alves, R. A., Arfé, B., Chanquoy, L., Chukharev-Hudilainen, E., ... & Madjarov, G. (2018). Timed written picture naming in 14 European languages. Behavior Research Methods, 50(2), 744-758.