
Modules collection for VCV Rack

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

GoodSheperd VCV Rack plugins

A collection of plugins I use for live performances. And yes, it’s a typo but I won’t fix it.



A non-toggling latching 2:1 switch. You can select one out of two input signals to be forwarded to the output. With a trigger pulse on a trigger input the respective input can be selected.


Tr 1 (2x)/Tr 2 (2x): Two trigger inputs for each In (OR-linked). A rising edge triggers. If Trigger 1 and Trigger 2 are fired simulataneously, Input 1 always wins.

In 1/2: Signal inputs.


Out: Switch output.

Typical wiring





Start: Connect with the Start output of your MIDI module. A trigger signal sends a reset and forwards the clock to the Clock output.

Cont: Connect with the Continue output of your MIDI module. A trigger signal forwards the clock to the Clock output.

Stop: Connect with the Stop output of your MIDI module. A trigger signal stops the clock at the Clock output.

Clock: Connect with the Clock output of your MIDI module. Use the raw clock here, do not use the Clock Divider from the MIDI module! See Context Menu.


Reset: Connect with the Reset input of your sequencer module.

Clock: Connect with the Clock input of your sequencer module.

Context Menu

Clock divisor: Set the note value of the Clock Output. There are 96 MIDI clock ticks per whole note.

Typical wiring




An eight track gate sequencer with independent start/end points and nudge functionality.

Caveat: it is very likely that this thing will grow a few more units in the foreseeable future. So if you use it in your patches please give it some space. ;)



An uncertain switch: Depending on the voltage at the Probability Input, a signal at the gate input may or may not trigger the gate output.

  • P in: Switching probability. 0-10V. The higher the input voltage, the more likely there will be a Gate signal at the Gate output. 0V-10V corresponds to 0%-100%.
  • Gate in: Gate Signal (0/10V). When a rising edge occurs, the voltage at the P input is being sampled as the probability.
  • Gate out: Gate Signal (0/10V). Based on the P input voltage a gate signal may or may not be present at this output.



A modified VCV Rack Fundamental SEQ3 with stochastic gate outs per row. So you may use the CV as gate probability for the given step in the given row.

  • P Gate out 1-3: Gate Signal (0/10V). Based on the current CV value a gate signal may or may not be present at this output.



Splits trigger/gate signals by a control voltage. Accepts control voltages corresponding to midi notes 35 to 82.

  • CV in
  • Gate/Trigger in
  • Gate/Trigger out 35-82