
This is the backend of the React/Redux project: animal-encyclopedia-final-project made by @jenster5 and @noraterbocs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AnimalQuest project

This backend repository created by Nora Terbocs and Jennifer Feenstra-Arengard is used for storing user data and information about animals in MongoDB Atlas. It provides the necessary APIs and functionalities to support the frontend features related to user registration, login, and data retrieval for our Animal Quest application.

Tech Stack

The backend is built using the following technologies: MongoDB Atlas, Node.js, Express.js and is deployed through Google Cloud Platform. The folder structure has been created by using Express Router.

Schemas and Endpoints

User schema:

GET request:

  • /users/user
  • /users/users

POST request:

  • /users/login
  • /users/register
  • /users/user

PATCH request:

  • /users/user

DELETE request:

  • /users/user

Game schema:

GET request:

  • /games/completion
  • /games/completion/lastgeneratedstory

POST request:

  • /completions

Animal schema:

GET request:

  • /animals/animals/:animalId

Testing and contribution

Contributions to the backend repository are welcome. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. To test first install dependencies with npm install, then start the server by running npm run dev.

View it live

Deployed backend on Google Cloud:https://animal-encyclopedia-backend-7v5hitnola-no.a.run.app Deployed frontend on Netlify: https://animalquest.netlify.app/login Frontend repository: https://github.com/noraterbocs/animal-encyclopedia-final-project