
Download songs, playlist, albums and recommended songs for free.

Primary LanguageJava


Download songs, playlist, albums and recommended songs for free.


Spotifree downloads songs from spotify by searching the same song on youtube. After downloading and converting the song, it adds an ID3v2.4 tag with some more info about the song as well as the lyrics and a cover.


In a terminal enter: java -jar spotifree.jar --url <url>.

possible arguments

  • -lrc Save timed lyrics in a lrc file, it only works when the youtube video has subtitles.
  • -recom Create a recommended playlist (Requires a playlist url).
    • --max <amount> The amount of songs to download.
    • --group <amount> Spotifree picks max 5 random songs from your playlist, how many songs do you want him to recommend per 5?