
Preset for a clean MODX Installation with Gitify. A good start for CurlyFramework.

Primary LanguagePHP

MODX Gitify Preset

  1. add files and folder to your MODX public root
  2. create a .modmore.com.key file and add your personal credentials:
username: jens_clientname
api_key: modmoreapikey123
  1. install MODX: Gitify install:modx 1
  2. install MODX Extras Gitify package:install --all (use --interactive if you customize .gitify file)
  3. login into manager and update all extras (not possible via Gitify now, important to get latest i.e. ContentBlocks)
  4. install preset Gitify build 2

Gitify Documentation: https://docs.modmore.com/en/Open_Source/Gitify/index.html

  1. be sure that you don't have spaces in the full path to the MODX Installation root, for example /MAMP/My Project/MODX/ > /MAMP/My-Project/MODX/
  2. if you don't want use default for your template foldername, take a search'n replace inside the gitify/ folder tpl/default > tpl/my-template-name