
Yet an other Ransomware gang tracker

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


RansomLook is tool to monitor Ransomware groups and markets and extract their victims.


  • Based on ransomwatch https://github.com/joshhighet/ransomwatch, there is a tool to import their groups and posts.
    • Important changes have been done:
      • All data are stored into redis
      • Scraping is multithreaded
      • Scraping is done with PlayWright and screenshots are taken at the same time
      • Parsers are now using BeautilfulSoup and are independant.
      • If you create a local account, you will be able to add/edit/delete groups using the web interface
      • All website is done using Flask so no need to regenerate any MD file
  • Details about the groups with data from malpedia.
  • Daily notification by email.
  • Notification on RocketChat when a new post is created.

Install guide

Note that is is strongly recommended to use Ubuntu 22.04.

System dependencies

You need poetry installed, see the install guide.



Redis: An open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker.

NOTE: Redis should be installed from the source, and the repository must be in the same directory as the one you will be cloning Pandora into.

In order to compile and test redis, you will need a few packages:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install build-essential tcl
git clone https://github.com/redis/redis.git
cd redis
git checkout 7.0
# Optionally, you can run the tests:
make test
cd ..

Clone RansomLook

Do the usual:

git clone https://github.com/RansomLook/RansomLook.git

Ready to install RansomLook ?

And at this point, you should be in a directory that contains redis and RansomLook.

Make sure it is the case by running ls redis RansomLook. If you see No such file or directory, one of them is missing and you need to fix the installation.

The directory tree must look like that:

├── redis  => compiled redis
└── RansomLook => not installed RansomLook yet


System dependencies (requires root)

sudo apt install python3-dev
sudo apt install libnss3 libnspr4 libatk1.0-0 libatk-bridge2.0-0 libcups2 libxkbcommon0 libxdamage1 libgbm1 libpango-1.0-0 libcairo2 libatspi2.0-0 libxcomposite1 libxfixes3 libxrandr2 tor libasound2 libwayland-client0 

RansomLook installation

From the directory you cloned RansomLook to, run:

cd RansomLook  # if you're not already in the directory
poetry install

Initialize the .env file:

echo RANSOMLOOK_HOME="`pwd`" >> .env

Get web dependencies (css, font, js)

poetry run tools/3rdparty.py
poetry run tools/generate_sri.py

Be aware that those are version-constrained because SubResource Integrity (SRI) is used (set in website/web/sri.txt).


Copy the config file:

cp config/generic.json.sample config/generic.json

And configure it accordingly to your needs.

Update and launch

Run the following command to fetch the required javascript deps and run RansomLook.

poetry run update --yes

With the default configuration, you can access the web interface on


Start the tool (as usual, from the directory):

poetry run start

You can stop it with

poetry run stop

With the default configuration, you can access the web interface on


Import groups and posts from ransomwatch

Copy the groups.json and posts.json file in data then run the import script:

poetry run tools/import_groups.py

Populate descriptions and profiles from malpedia

poetry run tools/malpedia.py

Add a group (we recommand to use the GUI in admin)


NB: if a parser exists in RansomLook/parsers/ be sure that GROUPNAME is the same of the .py file

NB: DATABASE-NUMBER must be 0 or 3, depending if you are adding a Ransomware blog or a Market place.

Scrape all groups

poetry run scrape

Parse all groups

poetry run parse

It's recommanded to create a cron job to scrape and parse all groups every 2 hours.