
Labs for Microservices class

Primary LanguageVue

Team (#4):

Client, Client k8s

How to install (Minikube):

  1. Make sure Minikube is installed: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/
  2. Start Kubernetes with minikube start
  3. Enable Ingress addon with minikube addons enable ingress
  4. Prebuild Docker images with chmod +x docker.sh && ./docker.sh
  5. Apply k8s configurations with kubectl apply -R -f k8s

How to run (Minikube):

  1. Start tunnel using minikube tunnel
  2. Access frontend on http://localhost

API Requests


GET /api/auth/me - Get authenticated user

POST /api/auth/login - Login user

POST /api/auth/signup - Signup user


GET /api/orders - Get all orders

GET /api/orders/get/{orderId} - Get order by id

POST /api/orders/create - Create order

PUT /api/orders/update/{orderId} - Update order by id

DELETE /api/orders/delete/{orderId} - Delete order by id


GET /api/customer - Get all customers

GET /api/customer/{id} - Get customer by id

POST /api/customer - Create customer

PUT /api/customer/{id} - Update customer by id

DELETE /api/customer/{id} - Delete customer by id


GET /api/warehouse - Get all items in warehouse

GET /api/warehouse/get/{id} - Get item in warehouse by id

POST /api/warehouse/create - Create item in warehouse

POST /api/warehouse/update/{id} - Update item in warehouse by id

DELETE /api/warehouse/delete/{id} - Delete item in warehouse by id