
Computer Architecture Seminar (Graduate Course) @ Hallym University

Computer Architecture Seminar (Graduate Course) @ Hallym University

컴퓨터 구조 세미나: 한림대학교 컴퓨터공학과 대학원, Spring 2019

최신 인공지능 기술인 딥러닝의 가속기 구조(Accelerator Architecture)에 대한 수업 및 프로젝트를 진행합니다.

This class is for learning recent advanced deep learning algorithm and computer system architecture for accelerating the deep learning algorithm. From the half point of the course, each student is expected to conduct an individual project on object detection. Particularly the topic of people counting or crowd counting is recommended. Please check the following Github sites

and the following youtube.

When you choose a paper, you try to select a paper whose idea has been implemented by open source software. So you can test the idea on your machine.


  • Every students have to do paper presentations
  • Every students have to do class project

Weekly Plan
