
Payara Server Configuration Environment

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Build Linter Run

This is the Payara 5.192 configuration environment with CentOS 8 and Debian 10. It may works with other versions (more latest one), which is not tested.


  • Java 8 : Compiling the Payara 5.192
  • Java 11 : Running the Payara 5.192
  • Maven 3

Please check all necessary JAVA environment at https://github.com/jeonghanlee/java-env


There is no running payara or glassfish service in a system. Please check it systemctl status payara or its relevant tools.

Payara-env (master)$ make vars
Payara-env (master)$ make init
Payara-env (master)$ make build


Payara-env (master)$ make install

Payara-env (master)$ make exist
tree -aL 1 /opt/payara/5.192
├── bin
├── glassfish
├── h2db
├── javadb
├── mq
├── prefs
├── README.txt
└── .versions


If one would like to reinstall everything from scratch, please run make reinstall. It does make uninstall and make install. Thus, old payara installation will be replaced with the new one completely. All web application will be removed.

Payara-env (master)$ make reinstall

Run the Payra service

  • systemd service

We can use all generic systemd service commands. One can start it by systemctl start payara.

Payara-env (master)$ systemctl start payara
Payara-env (master)$ systemctl status payara
● payara.service - payara Service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/payara.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (exited) since Wed 2020-09-23 14:58:58 PDT; 32min ago
     Docs: https://docs.payara.fish/community/docs/5.192/README.html
  Process: 934 ExecStart=/opt/java-env/JDK11/bin/java -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -jar /opt/payara/5.192/glassfish/lib/client/appserver-cli.jar start-domain production (code=exi
 Main PID: 934 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Tasks: 131 (limit: 4915)
   Memory: 1.0G
   CGroup: /system.slice/payara.service
           └─1411 /opt/java-env/JDK11/bin/java -cp /opt/payara/5.192/glassfish/modules/glassfish.jar -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions --add-opens=jdk.management/com.sun.management.inte
  • Web site


Payara Server
Figure 1 Payara Server Web Screenshot.


make sd_start          : systemctl start payara
make sd_status         : systemctl status payara
make sd_stop           : systemctl stop payara
make sd_restart        : systemctrl restart payara
make uninstall         : Uninstall and remove the payara
make install.maven     : Install and set it up the local MAVEN version in .maven path
make clean.maven       : Remove the local MAVEN
make compile           : Compile Payara
make compile.post      : Update configurations, and add MariaDB JTBC connector
make build.pre         : Clean up .m2/repository/glassfish and others


This payara environment only run the production domain through systemd service. Thus, systemctl start payara means asadmin start-domain production. Thus, the default payara jvm_options memory options are large such as

# Original Configuration

However, this is too much for my personal computer, so I reduce them to


Therefore, if one would like to deploy it within a production environment, please add the relevant memory size in configure/CONFIG_SITE.local. In addtion, the default MASTER and ADMIN passwords are not good, so, please use the secure passowrds for them also. Here is the example CONFIG_SITE.local file as follows:

# Revert the original PayaraConfiguration


Note that _PASSWORD varialbes within several places in Makefile environment through variables and shell environment. Please make sure special characters can be handled by them together properly.

Errors and Warnings

Please see docs/README.errors.md