Since Danfysik changed their control interface, so this repository isn't valid anymore. Please don't use this epics ioc for MPS 8500 model
This is the extremely slow-developing-repository for the Danfysik Magenet Power Supply 8500. The work is based on the shoulder of the FRIB 9100 work.
- http://www.danfysik.com/media/1179/user-manual-sys8500.pdf
- http://www.danfysik.com/media/1182/software-manual-sys8500.pdf
Working Environment or Requirements
EPICS 3.15.4
STREAM : 791e7c0
devIocStats : 82988fd
Simulator : I am developing and also using the simulator in https://bitbucket.org/jeonghanlee/kameleon, was forked from https://bitbucket.org/europeanspallationsource/kameleon, in order to develop the basic EPICS IOC based on the FRIB 9100 db and proto files. ESS might use the Danfysik MPS 8500 in the Raster Scanning Magent Power Supplies.
Commands and Dir Structure
jhlee@kaffee: kameleon (master)$ tree -L 2
├── [jhlee 21K] kameleon.py
├── [jhlee 2.7K] README
└── [jhlee 4.0K] simulators
├── [jhlee 4.0K] ak_nord_xt_pico_sxl
├── [jhlee 4.0K] danfysik_mps8500
├── [jhlee 4.0K] example
├── [jhlee 4.0K] fug_hch_15k-100k
├── [jhlee 4.0K] fug_hcp_353500
├── [jhlee 4.0K] gconpi
├── [jhlee 4.0K] hameg_hmo3034
├── [jhlee 4.0K] julabo_f25-hl
├── [jhlee 4.0K] lakeshore_336
├── [jhlee 4.0K] SCPI
├── [jhlee 4.0K] tdk_lambda_10-500
└── [jhlee 4.0K] template
13 directories, 2 files
jhlee@kaffee: kameleon (master)$ python kameleon.py --host="" --file=simulators/danfysik_mps8500/mps8500.kam
* *
* Kameleon v1.3.3 (2016/OCT/13 - Production) *
* *
* *
* (C) 2015-2016 European Spallation Source (ESS) *
* *
[11:02:38.139] Using file 'simulators/danfysik_mps8500/mps8500.kam' (contains 1 commands and 1 statuses).
[11:02:38.139] Start serving from hostname '' at port '9999'.
jhlee@kaffee: kameleon (master)$ ./mps8500.sh
* *
* Kameleon v1.4.0 (2016/DEC/02 - Development) *
* *
* *
* (C) 2015-2016 European Spallation Source (ESS) *
* *
[17:42:56.116] Using file 'simulators/danfysik_mps8500/mps8500.kam' (contains 26 commands and 26 statuses).
[17:42:56.116] Start serving from any hostname that the machine has at port '9999'.
jhlee@kaffee:~/epics_env/epics-Apps/danfysik-mps8500/iocBoot/iocmps8500 (master)$ ./st.kameloen.cmd
# author : Jeong Han Lee
# email : jeonghan.lee@gmail.com
# Date :
# version : 0.0.1
< envPaths
epicsEnvSet("STREAM_PROTOCOL_PATH", ".:/home/jhlee/epics_env/epics-Apps/danfysik-mps8500/db")
cd "/home/jhlee/epics_env/epics-Apps/danfysik-mps8500"
## Register all support components
dbLoadDatabase "dbd/mps8500.dbd"
mps8500_registerRecordDeviceDriver pdbbase
# const char *portName,
# const char *hostInfo,
# unsigned int priority : EPICS thread priority for asyn port driver 0=default
# int noAutoConnect,
# int noProcessEos
drvAsynIPPortConfigure "MPS8500", "", 0, 0, 0
asynOctetSetInputEos "MPS8500", 0, "\n\r"
# asynOctetSetOutputEos "MPS8500", 0, "\r"
# "\r\n" is only valid for the simulator
# , because we want to use Telnet connection also.
asynOctetSetOutputEos "MPS8500", 0, "\r\n"
## Load record instances
dbLoadRecords "db/iocAdminSoft.db", "IOC=8500:IocStat"
dbLoadRecords "db/mps8500.db", "SYSDEV=8500:MPS:,INST=1,MAX=100,MIN=0,HWUNIT=MPS8500"
cd "/home/jhlee/epics_env/epics-Apps/danfysik-mps8500/iocBoot/iocmps8500"
Starting iocInit
## EPICS R3.15.4 $$Date$$
## EPICS Base built Sep 27 2016
iocRun: All initialization complete
## Start any sequence programs
#seq sncxxx,"user=jhlee"
dbl > "/home/jhlee/epics_env/epics-Apps/danfysik-mps8500/iocmps8500_PVs.list"
caget script
jhlee@kaffee: scripts (master)$ bash caget_pvs.bash ../iocmps8500_PVs.list "MPS"
8500:MPS:RMT_RSTS Remote
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_desc Spare
8500:MPS:S1-bit2_desc DC Overload
_8500:MPS:S1-1sts_ 2
_8500:MPS:S1-2sts_ 3105
8500:MPS:RMT_CMD Remote
8500:MPS:PowerSwitch_RSTS off
8500:MPS:RB_ 1
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts 2
8500:MPS:S1-bit2_sts 3105
8500:MPS:S1-sts_ 12718082
8500:MPS:Clock 17,43,58,21,12,2016
8500:MPS:ID-Sts1 SYSTEM 8500 TYP 859H
8500:MPS:ID-Sts2 1250A / 400V
8500:MPS:ID-Sts3 SW VER WCC114
8500:MPS:ID-Sts4 ID 1234567890
8500:MPS:PRINT-Sts1 SYSTEM 8500
8500:MPS:PRINT_Sts2 V1.0A
8500:MPS:VER-Sts1 Copyright DANFYSIK A/S
8500:MPS:VER-Sts2 RAMTEX Engineering Aps
8500:MPS:VER-Sts3 SCC V1.13 Aug 10 2008
8500:MPS:PowerSwitch_CMD off
jhlee@kaffee: danfysik-mps8500 (master)$ bash scripts/caget_pvs.bash iocmps8500_PVs.list
8500:IocStat:CA_UPD_TIME 15
8500:IocStat:FD_UPD_TIME 20
8500:IocStat:LOAD_UPD_TIME 10
8500:IocStat:MEM_UPD_TIME 10
8500:IocStat:FD_FREE 65527
8500:IocStat:READACF 0
8500:IocStat:SYSRESET 0
8500:IocStat:SysReset 0
8500:IocStat:ACCESS Running
8500:MPS:RMT_CMD Remote
8500:IocStat:GTIM_RESET Reset
8500:IocStat:HEARTBEAT 54
8500:IocStat:START_CNT 1
8500:IocStat:CA_CLNT_CNT 1
8500:IocStat:CA_CONN_CNT 1
8500:IocStat:CPU_CNT 8
8500:IocStat:FD_CNT 9
8500:IocStat:FD_MAX 65536
8500:IocStat:GTIM_TIME 8.49195e+08
8500:IocStat:IOC_CPU_LOAD 0
8500:IocStat:LOAD 0
8500:IocStat:MEM_FREE 1.3051e+10
8500:IocStat:MEM_MAX 2.52313e+10
8500:IocStat:MEM_USED 7.1721e+06
8500:IocStat:PARENT_ID 15613
8500:IocStat:PROCESS_ID 13961
8500:IocStat:RECORD_CNT 64
8500:IocStat:SUSP_TASK_CNT 0
8500:IocStat:SYS_CPU_LOAD 3.9037
8500:IocStat:APP_DIR2 ik-mps8500/iocBoot/iocmps8500
jhlee@kaffee: danfysik-mps8500 (master)$ bash scripts/caget_mbbi.bash 8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B0 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B1 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B2 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B3 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B4 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B5 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B6 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B7 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B8 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B9 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.BA 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.BB 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.BC 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.BD 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.BE 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.BF 0
jhlee@kaffee: ~$ caput _8500:MPS:RAW_QUERY "SETBIT 0x00000F"
Old : _8500:MPS:RAW_QUERY SETBIT 0x00F000
New : _8500:MPS:RAW_QUERY SETBIT 0x00000F
jhlee@kaffee: ~$
jhlee@kaffee: danfysik-mps8500 (master)$ bash scripts/caget_mbbi.bash 8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B0 1
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B1 1
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B2 1
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B3 1
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B4 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B5 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B6 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B7 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B8 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.B9 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.BA 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.BB 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.BC 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.BD 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.BE 0
8500:MPS:S1-bit1_sts.BF 0
jhlee@kaffee: danfysik-mps8500 (master)$
There are three PSU based on System 8500, maybe more.
- http://www.danfysik.com/media/1098/model-854-datasheet.pdf
- http://www.danfysik.com/media/1233/model-858-datasheet.pdf
- http://www.danfysik.com/media/1099/model-859-datasheet.pdf
A special word of thanks goes to John Priller, who provided the FRIB SYS9100 DB and protocol files.