source docker_shell.bash
is alias of the following command:
docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)
is alias of the following command:
docker system prune -a --volumes
is alias of the following command:
docker system prune
xDockerRun $name $options
is alias of the following command:
xDockerRun channelfinder -d
docker run --network=host ${options} --rm --name="$name" jeonghanlee/"$name":latest
xDockerPull $name
is alias of the following command:
docker pull jeonghanlee/"$name":latest
xDockerLastIdIn eb59f9c86930 "--entrypoint" "/bin/sh" "-v" "$HOME/docker_data:/data"
- One can override the default target name via an available options
in push_to_hub or a local file
echo "TARGET_NAME=recsync" > docker_target_name.local
If one use both methods, the option -n
is used.
Usage : ./push_to_hub.bash [-s IMAGE ID] [-t Release Version] <-u docker hub username> <t docker taget name> <-p>
-s : Docker IMAGE ID
-t : Desired Release Version
-n : Target name (default:recsync)
-u : Docker HUB user name (default:jeonghanlee)
-p : Push the docker hub (need to do push)
---- Dry run (Default)
$ bash ./push_to_hub.bash -s "04ac57cc7c72" -t "4-v0.1.0"
---- Push it to docker hub
$ bash ./push_to_hub.bash -s "04ac57cc7c72" -t "4-v0.1.0" -p
docker ps
docker login
The first argument is IMAGE ID
, the second one is a version. Then one has the following tag
- Dry-run
bash docker/scripts/push_to_hub.bash -s "24924741269d" -t "recsync:1-v0.1.0"
- Push
bash docker/scripts/push_to_hub.bash -s "24924741269d" -t "recsync:1-v0.1.0" -p
docker pull jeonghanlee/recsync:1-v0.1.0