v0.0.2 Download (Mac OS Catalina - 10.15.5 / Windows 10) : SketchSynth Video Simple
Drawable trigger line Editable trigger line
- Make a trigger line by mouse click
- Edit the edit points of the trigger line
- Use "Delete - key" keyboard is for removing the last point.
Testing SketchSynth Video Version #1. Youtube
Testing SketchSynth Video Version #2. Youtube
A video version of SketchSynth. (SketchSynth Github) It behaves like Sketchsynth and can import video files. Video format should be mp4 or mov. Changing the effect of the video creates other sound patterns.
- Import a video (mov or mp4, A shortcut key is 'o')
- Press "space bar" to generate a sound play or pause.
- Change the contrast and brightness parameters for better detections
- Optional effects are Edgeview, Contourview and Pixelview
- Choosable for audio out devices
If you like this experiment development, please support me.
Buy me a coffeev0.0.2 Download (Mac OS Catalina - 10.15.5 / Windows 10) : SketchSynthFilm-Simple
## Source code
!!! I'm an artist working with code. Not a real programmer. Maybe the source code is unusual. But it works. :-).
It's made with openFrameworks C++ framework. - https://openframeworks.cc
- User interface
- More video effects
- Video speed
Mail: jeonghopark (at) jeonghopark.de
©2020 JeongHo Park