
Simple Command line tool to save Windows 10 Spotlight images

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


What is this?

  • Windows 10 by default displays beautiful images in the lock screen.
  • These images are saved under DRIVE:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy/LocalState/Assets, and users can rename the files in this folder to back them up for later use.
  • This command line program will save and rename the image files for you with a single command line prompt.


  1. Save to Default location
  • $ limsave.exe
  • This will by default save the images under DRIVE:/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/limsave
  1. Save to Custom location
  • $ limsave.exe P:/ath/To/Custom/Directory
  • This will save images to provided Custom directory.
  • If invalid directory is given, program will not proceed.

Build information

  • This program is intended to run only on Windows 10.
  • This program was built in Windows 10 Pro Build 1809,Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, using ISO C++ 17 Standard.


  • Jeong Min Lim (@jeongm-in)