
simple shell scripting projects

Primary LanguageShell


This project consists of 8 simple shell script programs

  • Shell scripting is required for skills such as task automation.
  • With this project, Not only can we write simple program, but we also gain ability to solve problems on Linux-based OS through shell scripting.


1. Build script for Android projects

  • android_build_test.sh is for build automation of your android project.
  • By running this script, you can test if build is successful.
  • If build is successful, new release note will be uploaded on your repository with an apk file.


2. Script for initializing user's git setting

  • git_initial_setting.sh is for setting up git environment for your local project.
  • By running this script, you can do initial git tasks in your local project without typing commands. (For example, initializing a git repository, connecting your local project to remote repository on Github, registering an email, etc.)

3. Script for sending email with cURL

  • smtp.sh is for sending email through Gmail SMTP server.

4. Rock, Paper, Scissors

  • rock_paper_scissors.sh is for enjoying simple rock-scissors-paper game.
  • if you select and enter one of them, the program selects a random value among them, and the win/lose result appears on the terminal.

5. Script for processing files

  • process_files.sh is for simple file-related tasks such as searching for files, viewing file contents, and changing file names and file contents.

6. Script for processing images

  • process_images.sh is for simple image-related tasks such as converting the image format, resizing and rotating the image, and applying effects to the image.
  • this project uses ImageMagick

7. Try to handle the database on Linux-based OS

  • mysql.sh is for trying to handle MySQL database on Linux-based OS.
  • Running database server on Linux has benefits in terms of flexibility, performance, and security.

8. Timer

  • timer.sh is for setting timer.
  • 'sleep' & 'wait' command are used.