jeongminju0815's Following
- keonlee9420KRAFTON Inc.
- openai
- upskyyReturnZero Inc.
- kimjy99
- JoungheeKimSK Telecome
- sooftware@tunib-ai
- kimjungwon2Seoul
- chyerin802
- yeshforest한성대학교
- tyamiRepublic of Korea
- DevKiHyun
- jonhyuk0922Seoul , Republic of Korea
- thkyang324
- unhochoiKookmin University, CS
- rickieparkSeoul, Korea
- hunkimHKUST
- deslog(주)한화시스템/ICT
- ceo21ckimKyung Hee University
- ssisyphussSeoul
- 41ow1ivesSungkyunkwan University
- sj970806Seoul
- Zerotay
- p-idx
- ymnseolSeoul, Republic of Korea
- jphan32PostMath Co., Ltd.
- eenzeenee
- boostcampaitech4
- gaussian37HYUNDAI MOTORS
- GlanceyesKAIST AI
- boostcampaitech4recsys2
- ohsuz
- omocomoRepublic of Korea
- JangYunSeong
- sjchoi86Korea University
- cow-coding@kakao
- UpstageAIKorea, South