
Lab2 from DKU Operating System

Primary LanguageC


This is a place for studying Operaing System in Dankook University.

Download Environment

Virtual Machine Platform: VirtualBox 6.X link

Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04 link

This environment is based on VirtualBox 6.X. If image execution is not possible, we recommend reinstalling VirtualBox 5.2 version.

Virtual Box 5.2 Link

Clone Git Repository

git clone https://github.com/DKU-Embedded-Lab/2020_DKU_OS.git

If you get an error there are no commands, install git with following command :

sudo apt-get install git


lab0 contains information about installing a virtual machine and Ubuntu.

Set the environment according to the documentation.

The documentation for lab0 is at the link below.

The OS image to use for preferences is also on the link below.

Documentation for conducting the assignment can be found at following link :

DKU_OS Image Download link


If you want to proceed to Lab1, go to command below :

cd lab1_sched



Documentation for conducting the assignment can be found at following link :


If you want to proceed to Lab2, go to command below :

cd lab2_sync

make lab2_example

./lab2_example –t 4 –i 1000000 –s o

./lab2_example –t 4 –i 1000000 –s m

The above command is an example.

See the documentation for details.

Documentation for conducting the assignment can be found at following link :


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