
protobuf extension for VSCode

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This project is not stable and currently under development. Please report any issues or feature requests to GitHub issues.

vscode-protobuf provides additional features for editing Protocol Buffers and its Text Format.



  • Add Protocol Buffers 3 and Protocol Buffers Text Format language support.
  • Syntax highlighting for Protocol Buffers and Text Format.
  • Diagnostic messages (compile & lint) for Protocol Buffers. (protoc, buf, api-linter)
  • Code formatting for Protocol Buffers and Text Format. (clang-format & buf for Protocol Buffers, txtpbfmt for Text Format)
  • Symbol provider for Protocol Buffers and Text Format.
  • Go to definition for Protocol Buffers.

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

For Protocol Buffers

Setting Description Default
protobuf3.working_directory The working directory to use for running the Protocol Buffers 3 tools. .
protobuf3.compiler.provider The compiler to use for compiling Protocol Buffers 3 files. protoc or buf can be used. protoc
protobuf3.format.provider The formatter to use for formatting Protocol Buffers 3 files. clang-format or buf can be used. clang-format
protobuf3.api-linter.enabled Whether to enable api-linter. false
protobuf3.buf.lint.enabled Whether to enable buf lint. false
protobuf3.protoc.executable The path to the protoc executable. protoc
protobuf3.protoc.arguments The arguments to pass to protoc. []
protobuf3.api-linter.executable The path to the api-linter executable. api-linter
protobuf3.api-linter.arguments The arguments to pass to api-linter. []
protobuf3.buf.executable The path to the buf executable. buf
protobuf3.buf.arguments The arguments to pass to buf. []
protobuf3.clang-format.executable The path to the clang-format executable. clang-format
protobuf3.clang-format.arguments The arguments to pass to clang-format. ['-style=google']

For Text Format

Setting Description Default
textproto.format.provider The formatter to use for formatting Protocol Buffers Text Format files. Only txtpbfmt is supported. txtpbfmt
textproto.txtpbfmt.executable The path to the txtpbfmt executable. txtpbfmt
textproto.txtpbfmt.arguments The arguments to pass to txtpbfmt. []


If you store protobuf files in proto/ directory:

    "protobuf3.working_directory": "./proto",
    // ...

If you want to use buf for linting, formatting, and diagnostics:

    "protobuf3.compiler.provider": "buf",
    "protobuf3.format.provider": "buf",
    "protobuf3.buf.lint.enabled": true,
    // Optional: "protobuf3.buf.executable": "/path/to/buf",
    // Optional: "protobuf3.buf.arguments": ["Some", "arguments", "for", "buf"],

If you want to get diagnostics from protoc, format protobuf with clang-format, and lint with api-linter:

    "protobuf3.compiler.provider": "protoc",
    // Optional: "protobuf3.protoc.executable": "/path/to/protoc",
    // Optional: "protobuf3.protoc.arguments": ["Some", "arguments", "for", "protoc"],
    "protobuf3.format.provider": "clang-format",
    // Optional: "protobuf3.clang-format.executable": "/path/to/clang-format",
    // Optional: "protobuf3.clang-format.arguments": ["Some", "arguments", "for", "clang-format"],
    "protobuf3.api-linter.enabled": true,
    // Optional: "protobuf3.api-linter.executable": "/path/to/api-linter",
    // Optional: "protobuf3.api-linter.arguments": ["Some", "arguments", "for", "api-linter"],


TODOs are tracked in GitHub issues

Release Notes