
OpenNMT based Korean-to-English Neural Machine Translation

Primary LanguagePython

OpenNMT based Korean-to-English Neural Machine Translation (NMT)

This repo contains the source code and other details for a neural machine translation based on attention using pytorch. This model translates Korean into English.

Capstone Project (2020.02 ~ )

  • Weekly Report : check here :)
    From February 2020, the weekly report can be found there.


  • BLEU(Bilingual Evaluation Understudy) score
33.55 64.6 40.0 27.5 19.4
  • Translation Sentence

Example 1

차를 마시러 공원에 가던 차 안에서 나는 그녀에게 차였다.
> I was dumped by her in a car on the way to the park to drink tea .  

Example 2

사과의 의미로 사과를 먹으며 사과했다.
> I apologize while eating an apple for the meaning of an apology .

Example 3

내가 그린 기린 그림은 긴 기린 그림이냐, 그냥 그린 기린 그림이냐?
> Is the giraffe I drew a long giraffe picture or just a giraffe picture ?


  • Preprocess

    • Delete the sentence with the length of 149(Korean) or more and 387(English) or more based on space.
    • Delete the sentence containing some special characters.
  • Configuration

Dataset Sentences Download
Written + Spoken 920,000 - AI-Hub (한-영 말뭉치 AI 데이터)
- Tatoeba (Korean - English)

How to use

Step 1. Preprocess the data

!python preprocess.py

The source text file(src) and target text file(tgt) are tokenized through Mecab+SentencePiece.

Step 2. Train the model

!python train.py

If you want to continue training the model, add --train_from (model path)/model.pt later.

Step 3. Translate

!python translate.py -model data/model/model.pt -src data/src-test.txt -tgt data/tgt-test.txt -replace_unk -verbose -gpu 0

Step 4. Scoring the model

!perl tools/multi-bleu.perl data/tgt-test.txt < data/pred.txt

tep 5. Excute GUI

!pyhton gui.py

You have to change from "data/src-test.txt" to "data/demo/KoreanTokenInput.txt" of translate_opts > --src in opts.py and "data/pred.txt" to "data/demo/EnglishTokenOutput.txt" of translate_opts > --output.

