
Benchmark storage and network latency and bandwidth.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Benchmark file and network latency and bandwidth.


This README.md is used as a design document as I plan out features.

  • Sketch out goals in README.md
  • Disk IO
    • Write specified number of random bytes to a file
    • Time how long it takes to write the data
    • Break down writes into various sizes
  • Network IO
    • Do anything
  • General
    • Add verbosity levels
      • Verbose (default) - Show messages about what is happening as the benchmark runs
      • Quiet - Just the results
      • Debug - (maybe?) More info about what is happening
    • Option to write results table or JSON to a file
    • Exit codes (e.g. 0 for success, 1 for error)
    • Display results in a table (see "Storage IO" below for desired format)
    • Option to print results as JSON instead of a table
    • Parse units for the number of bytes (KB, MB, MiB, etc.)

"Screenshot" of Current Status

iobenchy file --bytes 1000000000
Benchmarking disk IO for './'
Generating 1000000000 bytes of random data.
Generated 1000000000 bytes of random data in 1.884408232s.
Writing 1000000000 bytes of random data to ./.iobenchy.tmp1.
Wrote 1000000000 bytes of random data to ./.iobenchy.tmp1 in 617.501031ms.


The iobenchy command is designed to get a rough estimate of file and network performance using a single binary.


Storage IO

iobenchy file --path=/mnt/somevolume --bytes=4GB

Write Size    IOPS    Bandwidth  Queue Depth
     4 kiB   1,000       4 MB/s  1
     1 MiB     100     100 MB/s  1
     4 MiB      50     200 MB/s  1

Network IO

System A:

iobenchy network --server --port=8080

Waiting for client...

System B:

iobenchy network --client --port=8080 --bytes=4GB

Packet Size   Latency    Bandwidth  Parallel
      4 kiB      1 ms       4 MB/s  1
      1 MiB    100 ms      10 MB/s  1
      4 MiB    400 ms      10 MB/s  1