
My servers configured using ansible.

Primary LanguageJinja


The server configurations that I use. Serves a variety of docker service through traefik and authenticates users using Authelia.

I am now trying to follow the infrastructure as code methodology.
Mediaserver is completely managed by ansible.
Stormfront is in the process of being converted to an ansible configuration.
pfsense and esxi are something to look into at a later date.

Docker configuration based on guide found here:

Ansible Commands

Command to install ansible requirements:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Command to initialize a server:
ansible-playbook setup-common.yml -l stormfront -e "ansible_user=debian" -k

Command to generate a hashed Authelia password:
docker run authelia/authelia:latest authelia hash-password -- 'YOUR_PA$$WORD'

For server first setup

Set ansible_become_method='su' in hosts.ini. run the playbook command with the --ask-pass flag.

Docker Folder Structure

The docker folder is located in the users home directory.

This is the structure for the docker folder:

|-- docker/
|   |-- containers/
|   |   |-- nginx/
|   |   |-- muximux/
|   |   |-- .../
|   |-- docker-compose.yml

The docker-compose.yml file contains the setup information for all the docker containers.

The containers/ folder hold the config files for the containers. The .gitkeep files are only there so the empty directories get added to github.



  • Guacamole remote desktop solution
  • Music organization through Lidarr
  • Setup FoundryVTT and supporting tools for video chat.
  • Add ACL configuration to server folders.
  • Better user setup for samba share.
  • NFS share for data folder.
  • Look into configuring home pfsense router with ansible.
  • Look into configuring ESXI with Ansible.
  • Setup smarthome server with ansible


  • Complete setup from a fresh debian install
  • Setup firewall with iptables
  • Manage docker-compose file with templates
  • Mergerfs fstab configuration of all drives
  • Stable samba configuration.
  • Quickly setup new drive folder structure
  • Snapraid setup and configuration
  • Nightly backup of docker folder with 7 day cleanup
  • Convert Nginx config to role or reconfigure with traefik v2.
  • Get letsencrypt working again with my domain name.
  • Add Authelia to external network for remote access.
  • Playbook to restore docker container files in case of rebuild.


  • Setup stormfront vpn using wireguard
  • Setup basic stormfront server functionality with ansible.
  • Give stormfront containers for another user.