
Repository for the Article of theCurrent DB Technologies Book for the Seminar Work at DHBW

Primary LanguageTeXThe UnlicenseUnlicense

DB Template

This repository will be used as a template for the LaTeX document structure for the report for "Aktuelle DB Technologien".

This template will enable to generate a Book at the end of the studies with common layout.


The main LaTeX file is main.tex. To write your report you only have to edit einstellungen.tex and the following subfolders:

  • content/ All LaTeX files called 01.tex, 02.tex ... 99.tex will be included in the final document, in numeric order
  • bib/ has a bibliographie.bib file for references. Other references can be included with a added \addbibresource{filename} in einstellungen.tex
  • images/ is for all your images
  • listings/ is for all your source-code listings


Citations are in APA 6th Edition style if the commands \parencite{key} or \textcite{key} are used.

The citation backend is biber. Therefore you have to use biber instead of bibtex / biblatex during compilation.


Images are included using the graphicx package.


Source-code listings are done with listings


There is tikz.

Custom Commands

The following custom commands are defined:

  • \todo{} to mark a Todo - all todo's should be removed in the final document
  • \tbd{} to mark something as "to be determined" - all tbd's should be removed in the final document
  • \chapter{Chapter title}{subtitle} is a custom commands for chapters - is only used by the template, you should not use/need it use \section and \subsection

Custom Packages

If you need to use other TeX-Packages as provided, please message me. I will need the list of packages to combine the articles to a book. Please don't use any packages that alter the visual apperence of the article.