Sketch Document viewer

Client app to list and see artboards and the details



Note: In case you want to run the app in a different port you can run yarn dev -p XXX where XXX is the port number


  • next.js as a React framework for HMR, SSR and routing
  • styled-components for styling
  • jest for tests
  • Apollo for graphQL connection



The application uses next.js, to handle:

  • SSR
  • Routing
  • HMR

I used it to accelerate the project boilerplate, besides hooking with the ecosystem I believe it's a good starting project since, after a lot of research the conventions on the framework meets the day to day requirements.


The project as a pages folder (necessary by next.js), the responsibility of the pages is to get handle rounting parameters and the data request


The folder consist of the transport layer, in our case we have only one as is a HOF creating an Apollo client to handle the GraphQL requests


The services folder has the implementation of a transport on a API and the interface to interact with it inside the app, in this case, we only have sketch-service with has the hooks and the HOF that injects the functionality of the GraphQL service and query the required data.


Are the main UI components that receive props and compose the whole page structure.


Are reusable UI components their concern are UI interaction or layouts

Components structure

├── index.js // interface exposed to the outside
├── component-name.jsx // component implementation
├── styled-components.js // styling components
├── constants.js // if necessary the constants for the component
├── utils.js // if necessary utility functions for the component
├── component-name.test.js // tests


  • While developing I'm not experienced on GraphQL and I know there is a better way to handle queries
  • I didn't persist the data between pages following the same architecture as I saw in plus, I didn't want to assume that the data hasn't been updated between page transitions, so that's why I requested the data in each page change. It might be a network perfomance issue, but since it wasn't the requirement I took the "risk" to avoid it when it's not needed
  • I created Flex and Spacer components for layout orchestration, I'm not 100% about the current implementation but there are 2 main reasons I belive this pattern helps, 1. is reusability and maintainability, as having a common implementation on layout and spacing, opinions are less important than the common implementation, leading to a more solid approach; 2. readibility, as UI components with single responsibility once you get used to the components, it's possible to scan a component and understand how it looks which helps you undertanding the UI intent.
  • I would improve the stale-until-loaded approach while navigating between artboards, now, it requests the data again making a "weird jump", I could either stale until loaded, or persist the data at an app level and consume it from there, said that I didn't do any assumptions and preferred to get the data on route change
  • The error handling could be better, now, I just relying on the error property from the apollo client at a transport layer but not UI layer
  • Normally, I would move the APIs' url to an env var file (or any static path), in this case because is only one and it's not likely to change so I left it in the VCS.