A collection of awesome resources, tools, books, examples etc. for the Drupal CMS. Mainly focused on 8.x+ versions.
This collection contains anything which is useful for Drupal developers, site builders, themers and anyone who is interested in Drupal. What does "awesome" mean? Well:
- It solves a real problem
- It does so in a 🦄 unique, 🦋 beautiful, or 🏆 exceptional way. (And it's not super popular and well-known... no point in listing those.)
- It has recent code commits!
Look for a 🚀 for truly amazing projects. And look for quickie maintainer commentary and reviews after some listings of note.
- @jepster, author of Permissions by Term
- @rang501, author of Media Directories
- Permissions by Term - Allows you to set permissions on a per term basis.
- Admin Toolbar - Provides a drop-down menu interface for the administrative menu.
- Environment Indicator - Provides the possibility to set a different background color for the admin bar depending on the environment.
- Client Config Care - Prevents client config from getting lost (e.g. your customers' config).
- Configuration Split - Separate configurations between different environments such as test, dev and prod.
- Media Directories - Provides directory structure to media management.
- Node Menus - Provides simpler menu editing on multi-lingual sites.
- Twig Tweak - Twig Tweak is a small module which provides a Twig extension with some useful functions and filters that can improve development experience.
- Slick Carousel - Slick is a powerful and performant slideshow/carousel solution leveraging Ken Wheeler's Slick carousel.
- Better Exposed Filters - Provides more functionality to Views filter elements.
- Pathauto - Generate url aliases for various kinds of content by using predefined patterns.
- Simple XML sitemap - The module generates multilingual sitemaps for entities, views and custom links.
- Tome - Tome is a static site generator, and a static storage system for content.
- Drupal Test Traits - Traits for testing Drupal sites that have user content (versus unpopulated sites or Drupal based products like modules).