A word game imitating a fond one from childhood. This will be fun.
Currently, hte only browser we have been testing on is Chrome. I know for a fact that Safari doesn't work. Yeah, it's written in JavaScript.
- Tabs for indentation
- Spaces to align arguments
- Braces in 1TBS style
- CamelCase preferred
- Semicolons everywhere
- Otherwise, follow airbnb's style guide
- JSDoc for documentation, with markdown.
Make bonus tiles multiply tile scoreQuadratic falling animation (that doesn't lag out)- Flame tiles
- Frivolous animations
- Non-pixelly fullscreen mode
- Welcome Menu
- Game Saving
- Scrolling word list
Ban two-letter wordsWeighted random character machineScoring procedureDisplay score, possibly previous wordsAnnoying mascot?Bonus tilesScore adding shows word scoreShow letter value for each tileOvershooting catching for tiles, then snap to grid- Nice Graphical background
After several word entries, tile selection gets laggy- Randomly kills most of the tiles on the screen, exception with tileStatus undefined
- When this happens, one of the tiles ends up with an undefined status. I have to assume that this necessitates some rewriting to make thread-safe?
- Occasionally James complains about performance
- Code changed to avoid a constant render loop, I'm not sure if that fixed it
function scoreForWord(string) -> Int- Centralized animation queue
Class BoardGenerate newreset after word input
- Assets
- Perhaps moving to a real sprite library?