
A meta repository that gives an overview of datasets about sea ice (in particular drift and waves in the marginal ice zone) available openly on the internet

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A meta repository that gives an overview of datasets about sea ice (in particular drift and waves in the marginal ice zone) available openly on the internet. The motivation for this repository is that, though quite a few observations of sea ice dynamics, drift, properties, and waves in ice, are available openly, these are at present spread across the internet and may be hard to fine.

The aim of this repository is to be a collaborative, community-driven, central hub for indexing such datasets and related resources.

The main focus of this repository is to index datasets about sea ice drift, waves in ice, and related parameters, in the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ).

We use a "more or less chronological" order for the index.

To contribute, please open an issue referencing some data and / or open a pull request. Please provide i) a short description ii) permanent links to the data indexed. The repository does not host data itself - that would be too much storage requirements. If you need help hosting some data, please open an issue - we will be happy to help.

For now we will just keep it as a text file; if the need arises, we can always format it at a later point into a more classical database or similar.

Feel free to share this as broadly as possible - the more people know about this index, the more it will be used and receive new pointers to relevant data and grow. To help disseminating the word about this index, you may want to refer to it in your papers; if you have contributed pointers to data and want to be added to the "authors" list, let me know and I will add you:

Meta-overview of sea ice available data
URL: https://github.com/jerabaul29/meta_overview_sea_ice_available_data
J. Rabault et. al.

Data index

Waves in-ice observations made during the SIPEX II voyage of the Aurora Australis, 2012

Eight custom wave sensors were deployed in the Antarctic marginal ice zone along a transect line perpendicular to the ice edge and spread over approximately 200 km, measuring drift and wave information.

"Sea State and Boundary Layer Physics of the Emerging Arctic Ocean" program, 2015

N-ICE 2015 deployment

42 buoys doing a variety of measurements were deployed in the area North from Svalbard. See the dataset and references to publications using the data at: https://data.npolar.no/dataset/6ed9a8ca-95b0-43be-bedf-8176bf56da80 .

For an overview of the other datasets gathered, see: https://www.npolar.no/en/projects/n-ice2015/#toggle-project-dataset and https://data.npolar.no/dataset/7f7e56d0-9e70-4363-b37d-17915e09a935 .

Long-term measurements of ocean waves and sea ice draft in the central Beaufort Sea: measurements and processed data products available from 2012 to 2018

Measurement at two sites in the Beaufort sea, from a couple of moorings. Data include wave statistics and ice draft.

MOSAIC 2019 expedition

Measurements gathered by the MOSAIC expedition: 112 buoy trajectories, 216 quality controlled drift tracks.

Links: https://arcticdata.io/catalog/view/doi%3A10.18739%2FA2KP7TS83 , https://arcticdata.io/catalog/view/doi%3A10.18739%2FA2WW77163 , https://arcticdata.io/catalog/view/doi%3A10.18739%2FA2JD4PQ7V .

For more information / additional datasets from this expedition, see. searching capabilities at https://arcticdata.io/catalog/data .

Direct observations of wave-sea ice interactions in the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone, 2019

From the paper "Direct observations of wave-sea ice interactions in the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone", 2023. Data available at: https://zenodo.org/record/7845764 . This includes two drifting Surface Wave Instrument Float with Tracking (SWIFT) buoys deployed in the Weddell Sea in the austral winter and spring in 2019.

Coastal Ocean Dynamics in the Arctic (CODA): oceanographic moorings from 2019-2020 along the northern coast of Alaska, 2019-2020

Mooring data, over the period 2019-2020, along the Northen coast of Alaska. Data include sea ice thickness, wave activity, salinity, temperature.

Data from "Wave-Driven Flow Along a Compact Marginal Ice Zone", Thomson et al, GRL, 2021

Observations of surface waves and ice drift along a compact sea ice edge.

Direct observations of sea ice drift and waves in ice over the period 2017-2022

A total of 72 sea ice buoy trajectories (48 with wave data) from both the Arctic and the Antarctic are gathered and formatted following the FAIR principles.

Future work

  • Keep growing the index
  • If the need emerges, provide a better alternative - some form of searchable database. However, this would be quite a bit of complexity, and a plain text github markdown file seems simplest at this point.


Many thanks to the contributors to this index, first of all scientists who collected the data and made it available, but also the people reporting data to be added to the index! Main maintainer: Jean Rabault; Contributors: Jim Thomson, Daniel M. Watkins.