

Primary LanguageC++

SMARS robot library

This Andruido library is used to control the SMARS robot


  • motorsBridge(int mAen, int mAdir, int mBen, int mBdir) - direct control of motor bridge pins
  • motorsStop() - stops both motors
  • motorsForward(int speedSet) - both motor go forward at set speed
  • motorsForward(int speedSetA, int speedSetB) - goes forward each motor has its speed set
  • motorsBack(int speedSet) - both motor go back at set speed
  • motorsBack(int speedSetA, int speedSetB) - goes back each motor has its speed set
  • motorsRight(int speedSet) - turns right at specified speed
  • motorsLeft(int speedSet) - turns left at specified speed
  • sonar(unsigned int max_cm_distance=0) - returns the distance from the utrasonic sensor in centimeters
  • led(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) - light the neopixel ice into the RGB color
  • servo(int value) - turns the servo to the set angle
  • beepOn() - turns on the buzzer
  • beepOff() - turns off the buzzer
  • beepSuccess() - pseudo melody well buzzer
  • beepDanger() - pseudo tunes wrong on buzzer