Building My DevOps Portfolio 🚀

Project 2: Lift and Shift Application Workload

One of the benefits of working at EY is Udemy for Business. I decided to enroll in the course 'DevOps Projects | 20 Real-Time DevOps Projects' to enhance my DevOps portfolio and share this process for educational purposes.


  • Previous Project: Multi-Tier Web Application Stack (Profile).
  • Hosting: AWS Cloud for Production.
  • Strategy: Lift and Shift.


  • 👩🏽‍💻 Application services were running on physical/virtual machines.
  • 👩🏽‍💻 Workload was residing in our datacenter.
  • 👩🏽‍💻 Multiple teams were collaborating around the cloud, including the Virtualization team, Data Center Operations team, Monitoring team, and Sysadmin team.


  • Complex Management: Dealing with services and teams was a challenge.
  • Scaling Complexity: Frequent scale up/down requirements.
  • Cost Structure: Upfront CapEx and regular OpEx.
  • Manual Processes: Lengthy and prone to errors.
  • Automation Difficulty: Challenges in automating tasks.
  • Time-Consuming: Processes were taking too much time.


  • Cloud Setup: Transformed to a cloud-based infrastructure.
  • Pay-as-You-Go: Flexible cost structure.
  • IAAS: Infrastructure as a Service.
  • Flexibility: Enhanced adaptability.
  • Simplified Management: Ease of infrastructure management.
  • Automation: Reduced human errors through automation.

Leveraging AWS Services:

  • 🎯 Flexible Infrastructure: Adapt to changing demands.
  • 🎯 Cost Efficiency: Eliminated upfront costs.
  • 🎯 Modernization: Utilizing AWS Services for effective modernization.
  • 🎯 IAAC: Adopting Infrastructure as Code.

AWS Architecture for the Project:

  • ☁️ EC2 Instances: VMs for TOMCAT, RABBITMQ, MEMCACHE, MYSQL.
  • ☁️ ELB: Nginx Load Balancer Replacement.
  • ☁️ Autoscaling: Dynamic resource scaling.
  • ☁️ EFS / S3: Shared storage solutions.
  • ☁️ Route 53: Private DNS Service.

Flow of Execution:

  1. ⏭️ Login to AWS Account
  2. ⏭️ Create Key Pairs
  3. ⏭️ Create Security Groups
  4. ⏭️ Launch Instances with User Data (Bash Scripts)
  5. ⏭️ Update IP-to-Name Mapping in Route 53
  6. ⏭️ Build Application from Source Code
  7. ⏭️ Upload to S3 Bucket
  8. ⏭️ Download the Artifact to Tomcat EC2 Instance
  9. ⏭️ Set up ELB with HTTPS (Certificate from Amazon Certificate Manager)
  10. ⏭️ Map ELB Endpoint with Website Name in Godaddy DNS
  11. ⏭️ Verify

GitHub Repository:

Udemy Course:

DevOps Projects | 20 Real-Time DevOps Projects

Ingrastructure Architecture Diagram (IAD)


Automated Provisioning of the infrastructure evidence.

Web app login Users Db RabbitMQ


  • JDK 1.8 or later
  • Maven 3 or later
  • MySQL 5.6 or later


  • Spring MVC
  • Spring Security
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Maven
  • JSP
  • MySQL


Here,we used Mysql DB MSQL DB Installation Steps for Linux ubuntu 14.04:

  • $ sudo apt-get update
  • $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server

Then look for the file :

  • /src/main/resources/accountsdb
  • accountsdb.sql file is a mysql dump file.we have to import this dump to mysql db server
  • mysql -u <user_name> -p accounts < accountsdb.sql