Building my DevOps Portfolio 🚀

Project 7: Continuous Delivery using Jenkins & tools.

One of the benefits of working at EY is Udemy for Business. I enrolled in the DevOps Projects | 20 Real-Time DevOps Projects course to enhance my DevOps portfolio and I’m sharing this process for educational purposes.


  • ✅ Agile Software Development Life Cycle.
  • ✅ Developers make regular code changes.
  • ✅ These commits need to be Build & Tested.
  • ✅ Usually Build & Release Team will do this job or developers with responsibility to merge and integrate code


❌ In Agile SDLC, there will be frequent code change. ❌ Not so frequently code will be tested. ❌ Developers need to rework to fix bugs and errors. ❌ Manual Build and release process. ❌ Inter team dependencies.

Solution: Continuous Delivery

  • ♾️ Build and test for every commit.
  • ♾️ Automated process.
  • ♾️ Notify for every build status.
  • ♾️ Fix code if bugs or error found instantly rather rather than waiting.

Benefits CI Pipeline

  • ✅ Short Mean time to recovery (MTTR).
  • ✅ Agile.
  • ✅ No human intervention.
  • ✅ Fault isolation.


  • 🛠️ Jenkins CI Server.
  • 🛠️ Git.
  • 🛠️ Maven.
  • 🛠️ Checkstyle.
  • 🛠️ Slack.
  • 🛠️ Nexus Sonarqube.
  • 🛠️ Docker
  • 🛠️ AWS ECR
  • 🛠️ AWS ECS
  • 🛠️ AWS CLI


  • ⏭️Update github webhook.
  • ⏭️Copy Docker Files from vprofile repo to my repo.
  • ⏭️Prepare two separate Jenkinsfile for stagin and production
  • ⏭️AWS Steps
  • ⏭️ IAM, ECR, repo setup
  • ⏭️Jenkins steps
  • ⏭️Install plugins: Amazon ECR, Docker, Docker build & publish, Pipeline: AWS Steps
  • ⏭️ Install docker engine and aws cli on jenkins server
  • ⏭️Write Jenkinsfile for Build and publish image to ECR
  • ⏭️ECS setup (Cluster, Task definition, Service)
  • ⏭️Code for deploy docker image to ECS
  • ⏭️ Repeat the steps for prod ECS Cluster
  • ⏭️Promoting docker image for production.

Continuous delivery steps images

  • CD Pipeline Diagram Diagram
  • CD Diagram Diagram
  • EC2-servers on AWS AWS
  • AWS ECS Cluster
  • AWS ECS Service Service
  • AWS Security groups SG
  • CICD Pipeline pipelinecicd
  • CICD Pipeline (deploy to ECS stage) pipelineec2
  • Production pipeline pipelineprod
  • Vprofile app hosted app
  • Slack notification slack